Link currently only works in f-droid app
That’s like, almost 100% identical to the Simple File Manager from Tibor Kaputa, why make a new one?
Simple File Manager (and the other associated apps) got bought by a company, so this is a fork by a long-time maintainer that keeps it FOSS
So are they going to repackage those apps and sell on the playstore? What’s the purpose of buying open source apps? Or it’s just to limit open source competition?
Its not, its a fork of the simple mobile tools suite that just got bought by an advertising company. This new maintainer forked the codebase of all the apps and is maintaining the foss version from here on out so we’re not stuck with ads and malware injected into the apps we use.
The new Calendar app is also on F-Droid now!
Edit: my bad, it’s on Izzysoft, not F-Droid.
Link to the app that works everywhere.
Edit: got confused with the file manager.
That’s the gallery. I can’t find the file manager in the official repo yet, but it is available in the izzysoft repo.