And once Kirby smokes a blunt it’s Kirbstoned
Actually it’s spelt Kerb (it’s not the same word as to curb something), so it’s even more fitting! :-D
both spellings are acceptable. the definition of “curb” as a verb is also consistent with its function as a noun. the difference is cultural, since “kerb” is only the preferred spelling in some places outside of english-speaking areas of North America.
“the city installed a kerb on the roadway to curb dangerous incidents of motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic”
“spelt” follows the same geographical distinction, as “spelled” is the preferred spelling for American english.
still, “kerby” is clearly the better pun, so thank you for that.
Let’s be honest here, what kind of things that Kirby can’t possibly fit in it?
The guy is the phase ‘If it fits I sits’ in the video game character form
The visual is reminiscent of Jake the Brick.