Why won’t these idiots pay a subscription for my shitty game!
So when they decide to save storage by stopping serving 20 years old game me and my one buddy play I have to pray it comes back one day? Fuck no. We are already loosing cinema history because of streaming.
There are games that are supposed to be consumed like fast-food (like online shooters that depend on large number of players) but these aren’t even majority.
I propose a deal: they serve us games via subscriptions but the moment they pull a plug on a game they are bound by law to make it available on torrents
yep. they shouldn’t be allowed to abandon games that people paid for… if they require drm…
i really like ID software’s system of open sourcing games once they’ve aged enough…
i think that should be the standard…
the reality is that it can’t be the standard. id Software is the exception because they happened to own 99% of the code.
Ubisoft can’t release the source code to some random game because it uses a lot of other companies code for physics, sound, networking, AI, scripting, graphics, everything.
The most realistic answer to this is that if you don’t offer public access to copy-written works for 10 years, then it should fall into public ownership. let people pay for it or let the public own it.
I don’t feel “comfortable” with Ubisoft games.
Good god, I certainly hope not. I’ll trust a semi-captured market (gog / steam) over a fully-captured one. It probably is good that they have to compete, though.
Signs of a weak CEO - blame the customer.
Make subscriptions better. And customers will come.
But right now, Ubisoft+ has so little value. All their games ends up being $5-10 at some point, and often get released missing features from other ports, while finding ways to add micro transactions.
Make subscriptions better. And customers will come.
let me posit to you the thought that there is no price of subscription that can currently pay for the cost of development, as well as satisfy the customer as a good price.
Microsoft can get away with this because Microsoft Office and Azure are paying the cost of development for now. The music industry has been wrecked by this with the vast majority of artists (who aren’t beyonce) that used to be able to make a living out of cd/digital sales can’t even make enough to cover the cost of production. Movie/TV is currently in the process of finding out that ten bucks a month can’t pay for all of tv and movies production.
There is no subscription price that consumers will pay, that will pay for the costs of making everything the industry does.
Remember MMORPGs? The whole F2P garbage eventually killed subscription games. Not because they cost money, but because eventually you’d expected them to a) add micro transactions anyway and b) eventually go F2P too. It was a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy at some point.
And of course I’m not going to trust Ubisoft of all companies with shit like this. They’re about as fucked in the head as EA is. Rotten companies that need to just die.