3 points
Prolly a boomer made this meme.
8 points
Isn’t the 2031 one a real thing already? I’m pretty sure I saw humans wearing something like that in the past.
3 points
These two were 30 years ahead of their time. From 2001: https://www.eonline.com/news/729308/britney-spears-justin-timberlake-s-denim-date-happened-15-years-ago-today
2 points
7 points
Haha women amirite?
29 points
So 2 datapoints = the trend forever? I mean today I parked my car one space to the left of where I parked it yesterday. So I guess in a month it will be in the middle of the street.
7 points
27 points
7 points
3 points
41 points
They haven’t been paying attention for long enough to make such a prediction.
The waist height vs time function is approachable to a sinusoidal function with a period of about 20 years.
5 points
10 points