Just in case you thought this was only a Florida problem.
Get involved in local politics. Vote in every city, county and state election. When that fails. Well…
This is good advice. You can make a much bigger splash in local politics. Vote. Get educated on local issues. Become an activist. Run for office. Get involved in local community groups. There’s only so much your typical individual can do towards national or even state politics, but local involvement is much more impactful.
There’s a saying, that the states are the laboratories of democracy. There’s often this push to make big scale reforms at the national level, and in some cases that is the right thing. But Congress is perpetually gridlocked. Often it’s better to build from the state, county, and local level to fine tune a reform and prove to the country that it is a good idea. Take ranked choice voting. Some states and localities are slowly adopting it without needing permission from Congress.
To be fair, Indiana basically is Florida, just minus a few alligators.
The party of small government.
Indiana, Mike Pence’s Florida
It’d be a real shame if all the students who aren’t on board with the intent of that law were to request a different name/pronoun at every opportunity to tie up school personnel with notification paperwork (since HB 1608 Full text, PDF specifies that the notification is to be done in writing). Certainly hope they don’t do that or administrators might start complaining to elected officials.
Every class? I’d be adding new titles every time someone said my name… 'that’s Mr. Anon Beauregard G5 big dick playa the 12th formally known as count dankula, now."
You think administrators are going to be doing this? That’s cute. It would be making teachers’ lives horrible. Republicans would be thanking you for driving them insane, making their lives worse, and making them think about quitting so they can continue to take public education funding for private charter schools.
I think there are ways to make shit roll uphill and teenagers are relentless when they find a way to make somebody else miserable.