Disclaimer: full fluency, no studying required, but knowledge of the written language is not included.
Seeing as I am already Italian I suppose I will pick Chinese.
Also I guess I’m going to be that guy. “La vida es bella” is not Italian, it’s Spanish lol.
Chinese because Italian would be a lot easier to learn on my own.
Chooses Chinese:
- Monkey’s paw curls
- Congratulations, you learned the Min dialect of Chinese!
Chinese, preferably Cantonese, just because I wanna be able to visit my best friend in Hong Kong and get around without any sorta language barrier.
Learning spoken Chinese without learning written Chinese is basically like only knowing half a language. Whereas learning spoken Italian and being familiar with the Roman alphabet would basically mean you could read it too, at least at a basic level. So much as I think it would be useful good to magically learn Chinese (which I am incidentally currently working on), the constraint of only being able to speak it tilts me in favour of Italian.