According to her it was only used a handful of times and rinsed thoroughly. Which begs the question WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!
for sale: bog brush, never worn
Had to google what a ‘bog brush’ was because my stupid yankee ass thought it was literally a brush you used in a bog and I was like who’s brushing a swamp besides Shrek?
Tbh, I had to look up the English term for this kind of instrument myself. It’s not exactly a word that comes up in casual conversation, English class in school or… any kind of literature, really. And since I generally prefer British English anyway, I decided to use the funnier sounding word for it.
is that like a wrestling move?
Its how some people show affection.
tell her you’ve cut up some old underwear and turned them into wash cloths and see if she or anyone she knows is interested in them.