This guy is all talk, while sucking on the feds tit.
If you guys claim that you’re a country that respects freedoms and democrasy, you must listen to what Texas wishes. If they want to break off from the US, so be it. It’ll be their choice that to be respected. They aren’t happy with Biden and the US as a whole – it’s also their opinion and you’re to respect it too. Wouldn’t it be a democratic decision?
You can’t have it both ways: blame other countries for the ways they handle internal matters, yell “suppression of freedom! one must respect democrasy!”, yet suppress the opinions and thus freedom of your people in Texas.
Most of us on the left here would like nothing better than to be rid of most red states. On the whole, they take more federal tax dollars to prop up than they contribute, and their backwards ass attitudes hold the rest of the country back.
Most progressive voters would rather not abandon all of the disempowered minority groups in those states to their fate.
A “national divorce” as described by the space lasers lady would be incredibly messy and potentially devolve into a war and further violent and messy balkanization of the country.
Finally, having an impoverished, highly inequitable theocracy for a neighbor sounds like a massive headache.
Personally, I hope they successfully secede, then get taken over by Mexico. #maketexasmexicoagain
I want to say it’ll never happen, but they may not be so good at paying attention to prevailing trends. If Texit happens I’ll be watching with a big bowl of popcorn.
Willy Wonka: Stop. Don’t. Come back.
Can I apply for refugee status and move to a state not run by this sociopath?