I’m 100 percent invested in the Finals still. Trying to get the wife back into Hogwarts Legacy though. And playing Sea of Stars a little on the side.
How about you all?
I’m fully invested in Granblue Fantasy Relink this week. I might get into Persona 3 Reloaded this week but that is a massive investment. Got to complete everything before Helldivers 2 drops next week. My son and I are excited to drop in a give it to them bugs.
How are you liking Granblue Fantasy Relink?
I was thinking about getting Helldivers 2 on launch, but since don’t have a Dual Sense right now, going wait a while.
I’m loving GF Relink. It’s main story is short from what I’ve heard but the only complaint I have is that it feels like I need to go back and watch the anime to get a better connection with the crew. Still a fun and light story without the deeper connection to their beginnings. The combat is the main draw though and the post game content is where it is at. I hope they drop more complex enemies in the future. Some are easy but I have lost to quite a few and it’s nice to feel like its my fault and not a mechanic of the game.
Everyone should get Helldivers 2. The first Helldivers was a personal favorite. I loved the gameplay, the environment and the obvious nod to Starship Troopers. I’ve read nothing but positive reviews on the new combat in 2 and I’m dropping everything this weekend to play it.
With the amount of times I get to play these days, I am happy with shorter games, so that would be a plus for me. As for the anime, I read about it somewhere, but didn’t pay much attention to it, will look it up.
Yeah, I liked the original Helldivers, but only played it solo. Was hoping to co-op this one, let’s see when I get around to it.
Not sure why you got downvoted.
Anyway I’m playing a mix of everything:
- Mario 3D World
- Captain Toad Tracker
- Alan Wake 2
- Catherine Full Body
While also trying to read:
- Bad Blood (Theranos)
- Eleanor is completely fine
While also trying to watch:
- Lupin season 1
- MHA season 5
I’ve just finished Cyberpunk on PS4 (pretty rough experience, but the story and character animation was great)
I started Spiderman earlier, which has been fun so far! A few years late to the party.
Finally beating Skyrim, I’ve put it off long enough…
The main campaign!
Did pretty much all the other stuff already, across multiple systems, lol.
Haha, the main campaign might be a bit of a let down then, but it should be completed at least once.
Paper Mario!
I was planning to start Until Dawn as my secondary game, but my little one accidently spilled some liquid on my Dual Sense, so no PS gaming for a while now.