Anon discovers FOV and probably higher framerates.
4:3 is a meme?
nah its pretty good actually
just that most media keep getting wider and wider
You could just change your resolution…
Or even just paste on strips of paper to get the same effect.
If their logic rang true then gaming on a phone would be the ultimate immersion.
Nah, because 9:21 or whatever stupid resolution phones use now is basically even wider than 16:9, they just flip it on its side. 1:1 is the greatest resolution for gaming
I will defend anon on the basis that having your HUD stretch from sea to shining sea assumes I have goat eyes.
Shouldn’t these screens be swapped? The 4:3 matches the “seen by both eyes” of prey better, and the predator should be able to fit the widescreen in its “seen by both eyes” vision better.