Me. Cause I’m ugly
If I’m feeling sick, or my family is, I will wear one to work, the whole point of them is to minimize spread of disease.
Indeed. Western society tends to be individualistic and forgets that masks are primarily used to protect those around you from disease.
Just out of curiosity - no judging, but why do you go to work when feeling ill?
I always have one with me in case I enter a shop that has a sign up asking patrons to wear a mask. I used to wear them religiously, but 3 years is enough. Although I respect everyone who still keeps their masks on…
I struggle to see why I shouldn’t wear a mask in certain situations. e.g. the supermarket, where I’m not there too long, am hardly talking to anyone, it’s indoors with lots of other (unmasked) people. There are almost 0 downsides to wearing one in that situation (for me at least).
COVID is still killing a lot of people, and even if it doesn’t kill you, it sucks to get it. So yeah, makes sense to me to mask when you can.
Only I’m sick or the place I’m entering requests it- the library, dispensary, pharmacy, doctor’s office… I think that’s it. It’s in my purse if I need it.