Dwarf Fortress almost made me fail a few courses in undergrad.
That is a game that redefines the concept of fun.
If you don’t gotta consult the reference books regularly, are you even enjoying yourself?
Then, as an adventurer, you beat Trogdor by throwing handfuls of water at it
It is amazing that in zero words that comic encapsulates nearly everything about Dwarf Fortress.
This is the only game that made me regret wasting time eating IRL because I needed both hands for designating jobs.
Zany uberviolent team shooters about bugs sounds a whole lot like Deep Rock Galactic.
I’m tempted to put Eve Online into the “Elf Video Game” category, because the UI could, to quote Yahtzee, “only be more unintuitive if it was at the bottom of a fucking well.” It doesn’t really meet the other categories there. It kinda hits “Halfling Video Games,” with the sheer politics involved in that game.
Factorio is solidly a “Dwarven Video Game.”
The Eve Online UI is perfectly intuitive. There is simply no other way of providing the level of information needed in a different format than lots of tables.
only thing missing is an SQL prompt.
I suppose you have an HOA if you’re in a renter corp, but seriously just join a good alliance.
The factory must grow