Well .NET is dead now so I guess .COM and .ORG are dead too?
Sorry, what’s .Net again?
The runtime? You mean .Net, or .Net Core, or .Net Framework? Oh, you mean a web framework in .Net. Was that Asp.Net or AspNetcore?
Remind me why we let the “Can’t call it Windows 9” company design our enterprise language?
Can’t call it Windows 9
But that actually made sense! They care about backwards compatibility.
For those not in the know: some legacy software checked if the OS name began with “Windows 9” to differentiate between 95 and future versions.
It makes sense why they did it, but their messed up versioning was the cause to begin with. You should always assume Devs will cut corners in inappropriate ways.
Say whatever you want about Microsoft, but they don’t mess around with backwards compatibility.
I was about to say that most apps should check the NT number but then I remembered that until XP it wasn’t common to run a NT system, but then I remembered NT 4 existed basically in the same timeframe as 95 did, and even if the argument went to “it’s a 9x application”, shouldn’t these OSes at least have some sort of build number or different identifier systems? Because as I said NT systems were around, so they would probably need a check for that
Strange argument… how does that prevent checks versus Windows 7, 8 and 1* all of which would be less than 9.
Because it checks if the version starts with the string “Windows 9*”, not wether the number is less than 9.
some legacy software checked if the OS name began with “Windows 9” to differentiate between 95 and future versions.
This is a myth. Windows doesn’t even have an API to give you the marketing name of the OS. Internally, Windows 95 is version 4.0 and Windows 98 is 4.1. The API to get the version returns the major and minor version separately, so to check for Windows 95 you’d check if majorVersion = 4 and minorVersion = 0.
Edit: This is the return type from the API: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winnt/ns-winnt-osversioninfoexa
Maybe it’s a myth, but it sure sounds plausible. The software that checks the “Windows 9” substring doesn’t even have to exist for this to be reason they chose to skip to version 10 — they just had to be concerned that it might exist.
Sure, maybe there’s no C function that returns the string, but there’s a ver
command. It would be trivial to shell out to the command. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ver_(command)
This doesn’t prove anything, but there are a TON of examples of code that checks for the substring. It’s not hard to imagine that code written circa 2000 would not be future proof. https://sourcegraph.com/search?q=context:global+“\“windows+9\””&patternType=keyword&sm=0
And for the same reason they went straight from 2.1 3.x to 5.0 when they renamed .Net Core to just .Net. Versions 3.x and 4.x would have been too easy to confuse (either manually or programmatically) with the old .Net Framework versions that were still in use, especially for Desktop applications.
Dotnet core 4 never existed because they wanted to make it the mainline dotnet… That means framework is retired and everything is now the slimmer multiplatform runtime.
I really don’t think it’s that bad. The only weird thing is .NET Core becoming just .NET in version 5.
Not too weird… It’s the “one true .NET version” now. The legacy .NET Framework had a good run but it’s not really receiving updates any more.
I have no complaints about just calling it .NET. The distinction between .NET and .NET Framework isn’t much of a problem. It’s the fact that .NET and .NET Core aren’t actually different that’s odd. It underwent a name change without really being a different project, meanwhile the Framework -> Core change was actually a new project.
.net core is not a thing anymore in case somebody it’s not aware, now is just .net. (unless you use really old version of course).
But it’s still the core lol
Well the repo link yes… create a new repo and migrate everything… just so the url doesn’t say core no more it’s quite unnecessary.
And to be honest actual code is currently under https://github.com/dotnet/dotnet The other links is just for news and docs currently.
I have the same issue with Java. Oracle JDK, Open JDK or some other weird distribution? Enteprise Servers or a Framework like Springboot? It’s always easier if you’re familiar with the technology.
May I introduce you to Usb 3.x renaming?
3.0, 3.1Gen1, 3.2Gen1, 3.2Gen1x1 are the 5Gbps version.
3.1Gen2, 3.2Gen2, 3.2Gen1x2, 3.2Gen2x1 are the 10Gbps version.
The reasoning it was to not confuse with .net framework 4.x series, and since they went beyond 4.x, it’s just .net now. I believe .net core moniker was to explicitly distinguish is from framework versions.
It didn’t help the confusion at all, tch. Being a .net guy since 1.0, you just figure it out eventually
It’s been my experience that the .NET developer will miss the actual statement and take it as an assault on .NET being the best solution for every use case.
I can’t even remember what dumb shit Trump was showing this guy.
It was an interview with Jonathan Swan about COVID-19 where Trump had a bunch of papers with graphs trying to show that the US was doing well with cases. The paper he handed over showed the rates of deaths per case (though Trump didn’t seem to understand the graph), and Swan was asking him about the high rate of deaths in the US when looking at the total population of the country.
Man, if the media was worth a damn it could absolutely bury Trump in negative campaign ads. It’s one thing to run a single valid negative campaign ad. With Trump you could collect them like fucking pokemon.
You’d need over 30x the amount of total pokemon to match the amount of lies he’s told as president
That’s the problem though. His core supporters define themselves by who they oppose, so anything negative said about him is seen as an attack and becomes fuel for the hate machine
Holy shit! That Swan guy is a fucking legend. I’ve never seen Trump get that hounded by a journalist before!! He needs to et this more often. Why the fuck aren’t more people pressuring him with questions like this?
Yeah, I found it on my laptop and was too lazy to send it over to my phone where I was on lemmy. So I typed it up, and then I actually sent the link to my phone when it was pointed out that it was broken.
Well, maybe lazy isn’t the right word. But I was too something.
Man it is HARD to believe this jabbering orangesicle was ever the president of the fucking United States
Given that .net was a TLD long before the framework came out, it was a stupid thing to name it. Caused confusion and the inability to Google things right away.
It was pretty smart marketing move. Business people hear ‘dot net’ and nod wisely. Tech people hear ‘dot net’ and scrunch their faces. Either way people keep talking about Microsoft Java.
I mean, blob (and object storage in general) has been used as a term for a long time. It isn’t particularly new, and MS didn’t invent it.
And renames a random product every month, following a restructuring it’s licensing