I clearly need to watch later seasons of LD because I had to google this to find out what it had to do with Star Trek!
Seriously, this sub caused me to actually break down and subscribe to Paramount+ despite my adamant hatred of our current “just one more subscription service” hellscape
Y’all, I tried to watch Voyager. I really did. I just can’t. I’m absolutely loving Strange New Worlds though. Can’t wait to check out Lower Decks soon.
Don’t feel bad, Voyager was tough to get through for me too. Still my least favorite Trek not counting TOS and TAS. I think it falls into the realm of great concept but lackluster execution most of the time. Not to say there aren’t great VOY episodes, there absolutely are, but the quality - to me - is overall definitely subpar.
IMO, (as someone who absolutely loves VOY, so grain of salt) it would be worth at least skipping to season 4 to catch 7of9’s origin story. But she’s been my favorite since childhood, so maybe it’s just me.
subscribe to Paramount+ despite my adamant hatred of our current “just one more subscription service” hellscape
Yo, ho, all together…
Speaking of Voyager though, until Netflix out of the blue decided to entirely delete the account my parents and I shared (yes, we’re in separate homes and I wouldn’t have been surprised if they decided to lock me out of it, but that’s not what happened, the entire account was just deleted…), I was slowly making my way through it. It’s a struggle at times.
Ok. I need 5 of this.