The US needs to revisit emissions laws. We need access to smaller trucks. Very VERY few people need a tank on public roads. I’d love to get something like an S10, early 2000’s ranger, or an older Tacoma sized truck. My 13" F150 extended crew is the largest truck I feel comfortable owning.
It does make me curious: has anyone seen a survey on how widespread that interest may be? Sure, it’s the practical answer, but i it an answer that a lot of people would give?
Or how much price difference would it require? We naturally expect a smaller vehicle to cost less. The propaganda from one major manufacturer is that a small truck is still as complex and materials cost is small, so they could not produce a small truck for enough less that people would buy it. I know it’s corporate propaganda for sticking with their profit machines, but I suspect there may also be some truth in it.
All my homies want a '95 Toyota Pickup instead of a '24 F-250.
That’s the thing. You still see those old toyotas on the road. They’re ugly from wear but still choochin.
But what about my truck that is 65 tonnes of American Pride?
Meanwhile, people hate motorcycles even more
Bullshit, more dangerous because of the other cars who are not used to having motorbikes nearby, and you have this idea of being less protected on a motorbike, in reality you should try to understand that on a motorbike everything is much more predictable and the problem is almost only who is riding it, in a car, you have more blind spots and less control and therefore greater risk of making mistakes and for pollution, seriously, the simple use of a motorbike when all the space in the car is not needed would eliminate almost all traffic on the road therefore less pollution, less weight to move, less wasted energy, motorbikes are better in everything and not they are only considered because of the comfort zone of the average person.
And noisy what the fuck means? even motorcyclists can be idiots and change the exhaust to make more noise, but this happens because having the fucking motorbike is a niche of people who adore and modify their motorbike, but you can very well not do it.
I think everyone knows someone who died on a motorcycle. I know of a few, none of which involved a crash with other vehicles.
As for noise… All motorbikes are noisy. They have short exhausts.
Yes, it definitely is the cars fault