-2 points

Except in this case, one of them is activly aiding and supporting a genoicide, has done absolutly nothing to undo the damages done by the previous guy, acualy on many fronts increased his plans, including but not limited to the wall, the deportations, the kids in cages ECT, and has done next to nothing to punish the insurectionists.

There is no real significant material difrence betweent he 2 parties, nor between the 2 canidates,

2 points

So this is why all need to bend for the dark one ane don’t give any chance to retreat and correct the path.

1 point

I mean if you could show me a material difrence in conditions that one has provided the other has not please do, but like, both of them to use your terms are “dark lords” that we are forced to bend the knee too, both parties are essentialy the same, and studies show no matter what we do it has statisticaly no effect on what happens. so please show me what option is the undo and chose the correct path option

2 points

In all tales of Middle-earth, the shadow of Mordor looms, for in the hearts of all beings lies the potential for both great good and great evil.

To deem one faction as less malevolent than the other is to tread the perilous paths of Moria, for both hold the capacity for nobility and vice.

The lesser evil, then, is not a constant star but a ship navigating the shifting seas of circumstance and deed.In the chronicles of Middle-earth, the true measure of valor lies not in the banner one bears but in the choices made in the shadow of the great mountain.
It is the courage to resist the lure of the One Ring, the wisdom to forge alliances amidst strife, and the heart to defend the light against the encroaching dark that truly defines the lesser of two evils.

The lore of Middle-earth imparts a stern lesson: inaction is the ally of darkness. To stand by, to claim neutrality when the forces of good and evil muster their strength, is to forsake the very lands one might wish to preserve. It is to let the Shire fall prey to the Scouring, without ever lifting a sword or bending a bow in its defense.

Thus, to abstain from choosing is akin to allowing the Shadow to grow, unchallenged and unchecked, for in the words of Elrond, “If we fail, then the Enemy will control all things.”

I’m not trying to update your views on anything as is clear you made up your mind but think of that phrase and come to your own findings.

2 points

Kinda tired seeing everyone comparing benevolent and pure hearted fictional characters with Biden with this dumb ass format.

Neither Yoda nor Gandalf used their position as a superpower to approve a genocide and play geopolitics.

Moreover, ignoring the fact that Gandalf isn’t human and Yoda is an alien. For their respective “species” they are powerful people who aren’t deathbed old. Biden is a walking talking mummy who can’t form his own sentences, and Trump covers his geriatrics by talking exclusively in simple English.

10 points

Rudy “Worm-Tongue” Giuliani

16 points

If we are running someone that old, can we please run Dumbledore? Fought against evil his entire adult life, took steps to make education available to all witches and wizards equally regardless of if you were pure blood or muggleborn, taught forgiveness and understood that people could change, for better and for worse. Also taught his students well enough to fend off a full-scale attack from a hoard of adult casters, giants, and a fucking lich without needing his intervention.

(yes, I am talking about Bernie… The only old fuck that is still worthy of holding office)

3 points

Sorry the council of elders has chosen our candidates for us, and Dumbledore was sidelined for being just a little too socialist. Press is also no fan.

2 points

One press photo of Dumbledore eating one of his beloved ear wax candies and he would be unvoteable.

7 points

However they aren’t our only choices we also have radagast ( RFK ) LOL


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