After the fall of Roe v. Wade, some travel hundreds of miles to get abortions. This is the story of a girl who couldn’t
Another victory for the abstinence only crowd. Now they can point to her as an example of the hardships that come from premarital sex/getting raped. “Girl has cell clump safely removed after being victim of violent crime” doesn’t make good marketing material for their message. Scaring teens away from sex has worked so well in the past, why stop now just because of that pesky little thing called data?
For me,the measure of what’s a 1st/3rd world country (not in the original meaning, in the developed/developing country meaning) is about how well the poor are treated. You can live well in any country on this planet if you have enough money.
But if the poor are left suffering just because, that’s a 3rd world country. And the USA might be just the one with the richest oligarchs.
So, she’s 13 and we’re blaming the lack.of abortion as the problem? SHE’S 13! That should be the problem.
EDIT: What’s really disturbing is that people on this thread care more about abortion rights that the fact that a 12 year old was raped. You SICK FUCKS!
It’s ONE of the problems. Along with a child being raped and the police donning jack all until the press contacted them, and then they did the bare minimum. And the fact she had to have this baby she doesn’t want and can’t care for is now her lifelong problem. And a lot more women and children like this girl are gonna have to bear children they don’t want because of these abortion laws.
Well, she was raped, so I don’t really know what her age has to do with it here (other than to make it maybe subjectively more bad than just regular old adult-on-adult rape, but I digress).
First, whoever raped her belongs in that special level of Hell reserved for rapists, child molesters and Justin Beiber fans. I’ve said this before, there should always be an exemption for rape, incest and medical necessity. This is one area that I disagree with other fellow conservatives. It’s a fucking disgrace that there aren’t exceptions.
medical necessity
Ah, so then you understand that by definition, only medical doctors are able to decide what is and isn’t a medical necessity, and therefore how unreasonable it is that anyone else besides doctor and patient would think they should have a say in the matter? Great, glad we got that settled!
They can both be problems. We’re not limited to just one.
Stopping rape is a slightly more complex problem than lack of access to abortion, considering the latter was significantly less of a problem last year.
It’s a sick world that someone would rape a 12 or 13 year old. I still think this article focuses on the wrong issue. If I were President, I’d lead a charge to make raping a minor a federal death penalty issue.
The adults are discussing important matters. Unlike yourself who’s working hard at being obtuse.
Jesus dude, women get raped all the time. Thousands of girls, boys, men, children are raped every day. I’ve been raped. We’re immersed in rape because our species rapes a lot.
This isn’t about YOUR anger or YOUR penalties if YOU were president. This isn’t about you at all! This is about the tragic consequences of abolishing humane medical care and support for people in need. You know, “the least of us” that the christian nationalists love to crucify. Take yourself out of this story and try to find a loving response.
What issue would you rather have the article focus on? The fact that a 13 year old can’t get an abortion after being raped and now she has to deal with the repercussions of this act for. the. rest. of. her. life. is the natural outgrowth of these anti-abortion laws. Most people know rape is bad, and raping 13 year olds is really bad. Most people also probably don’t know or have exposure to 13-year-old moms whose children are the product of rape. Now, at least, we can read about them and maybe, just maybe, question whether this is really the path we want to go down (I say “we” but I can say for certain it’s not the path I want to go down).
“She has decided that when she grows up, she wants to be a nurse too. “To help people,” she says.” 😭
Disgusting, just $2 million for maternal care? They spend more money on highways than they do for providing care so people can have healthy deliveries and abortions. I sure hope none of the law makers ever have to live in the hell they created in Mississippi.