Not my OC.
Like the guillotine, my sense of radical mercy started with understanding that you decapitate the dinosaur nugget swiftly. Pain isn’t the punishment.
I love to think that you’d need command override to turn off the Holodeck safety.
“Ensign Barclay is not in the sudoers file.”
It’s still baffling to me why there is even an unsafe mode in the first place. What could that possibly be used for?
On a related note: why is the holodeck door so hard to open when the computer is on the fritz/taken over? Surely this isn’t such a high security room that they couldn’t just leave the door with a manual latch?
My guess is it is for better simulations.
I would think the safety protocols would make for an unrealistic simulation. Maybe changing gravity if someone fell of slowing down objects like a bullet to a gun. Or changing a knife somehow so it isn’t deadly. They never really explained it as far as I can tell.
But probably doesn’t matter most if the time.
One potential use would be for surgeries, like if your real person doctor was incompacitated or had to poop or something, just send the patients over to the holodeck when Barclay isn’t visiting his harem or Worf isn’t fighting against opponents that must be set to very easy considering how well he does when facing actual enemies (unless they are Klingon).
When you think of it, holograms would make great doctors. No shaky hands, if they need help they can just spawn more doctors or even copies of themselves that could act as if they have one mind. No captain falling in love with them (assuming Barclay doesn’t get promoted to captain) or them falling in love with crew members. No drama or complaints about being overworked or anything like that. Sure, you could program a holographic doctor to do any of that, but why would anyone want to?
The doctor in voyager is holographic, he says much the same about being amazing. :) The sickbay in voyager is equipped with holo emitters, and he’s an emergency medical hologram who outgrows his programming much like Data.
But his matrix is too large for the ship to manage multiple copies of his program, or something… or maybe just the sickbay computers… either way, they could probably easily generate drones to do specific tasks with high precision. Also has the perk of choosing his own density, so they use him for security threats a lot. Also can’t get sick.
Tho he does have interpersonal relationships with his crew mates and thus drama, so that’s not actually a point in hologram favor ;)
The enrichment center reminds you that the nuggies cannot speak
No, everyone knows the holodeck is only for reenacting old detective stories!