.yaml, .toml, etc?
It really depends. I usually prefer json. It’s easily understandable from humans and from machines, it doesn’t depends on indentation and above everything else I like it very much 🤣
The one with a validator provided to the user.
JSON by a mile. I hate the YAML plague, it’s some of the most unintuitive syntax I’ve seen and yet it’s everywhere in DevOps/SysOps.
The only thing that really annoys me about JSON is that it doesn’t allow comments.
Yeah, any language in which whitespace count is semantically significant can go suck fat nards.
Not sure whether fantastic troll or just no exposure to Python.
Either way…I’m here for it.
Neither, I’ve written plenty of Python and I know how useful it can be. However, as someone who is neurospicy, I find languages that have semantically l significant white space to be frustrating to read.
Sure, there are tools to help with it. Sure, they help. But they don’t replace how much more useful curly braces are at defining scope.
You might want to checkout NixOS (or home-manager if you don’t want a cold deep dive into a rabbit-hole).
You’re probably right I have checked it out, but so far home-manager was a bit of a cold shower to me. I had a ton of trouble wrapping my head around which parts of what config should be responsible for what - and lots of the documentation seems to either be out of date or relying on thing that are still in the ‘testing’ stage?
I’m interested, but so far just found it frustrating.
Yaml for me, I really like it. And the fact that every valid JSON is also a valid YAML is nice.
YAML here as well.
Configuration many levels deep gets so much harder for me to read and write in JSON with all [], {} and “”
Also the lack of comments… And YAML still is more used in software I’m using than JSON5, so I’d rather skip yet another format/library to keep track of.
Please do not use YAML. It’s a syntactic minefield. It also doesn’t allow tab indentation, which is supremely irritating.