Based on this information, I cannot consider myself a Hugo winner and will not be citing the 2023 award result in my biographical details, or on this site.
He’s a class act.
I got into Tchaikovsky after reading thought Dennis E. Taylor’s Bobiverse series and while I liked those books, they were always very lacking in creative alien designs. The Pav, Deltans and Quinlans are all pretty much just different flavors of human-like.
Children of Time on the other hand had some truly alien aliens, even though they technically aren’t even aliens. The way the spiders society and industry functions is so different from humans and more interesting for it.
I know the second book of the CoT series isn’t as highly regarded but I love the antagonist and how it works. Fair to say that I have lost all interests of “going on an adventure”
Good. The Hugos need to be dissociated from Worldcon and have the rules revamped so organizers have less influence on the process, this incident makes that obvious.
In the spirit of this post, I would also like to hand back my prestigious award as Time’s 2006 Person of the Year. You should, too!
Ccp censorship in Europe. Shameful.
Good the authors have morals at least.
… But it was the organizers self censoring their entrants based on just the idea that the Chinese govt would take interest in/offense to some of the stories from what I can read. Haven’t seen any reporting suggesting the Chinese govt was actually involved at all. My thought is, why would the organizers hold the event in China if it was going to cause them to act the fool like this?