Typing test: https://monkeytype.com
I used Unexpected Keyboard
Any tips on how to improve typing speed? (without using word suggestion and autocorrect)
I’m interested in how fast people who swipe type are.
Also, do those keyboards like Thumb Key and FlickBoard have the potential “to be faster” than the standard keyboards?
My speed is garbage whether I just type or use the swipe. Mainly because unlike using an actual keyboard where I can get over 100wpm, I can’t really touch type so I have to constantly switch between looking at the keyboard and looking at the text coming up.
50WPM, 100% accuracy with AnySoftKeyboard and no aids. This was the third try.
Monkey type uses a very synthetic approach to measuring words per minute. I feel that allows everyone’s numbers to be artificially high. Typing cat feels a bit more realistic.
Using an old Lite-On SK-1688U. I grew playing text based games (MUDs) and would highly recommend anyone who wants to get better at typing to play some of them in their spare time. They’re free in most cases and have different themes/systems of play.
just realized this was for virtual keyboards, so nevermind
I had to get a split keyboard to alleviate pain in hands and chest.