It’s not bad. Stop perpetrating this clickbait.
Edit: I was wrong y’all. It’s trash
I watched an episode. It’s really bad. I rewatched the series this last year so I could compare it. Just because someone agrees with the popular sentiment doesn’t mean they’re perpetrating (perpetuating?) click bait.
You watched an episode. That’s not representative for all episodes. Simple as that.
Aang flies like Superman in the first minute of his first appearance in the first episode. I rolled my eyes so hard that my brain reset to zero expectations mode. It’s good enough to be background noise, specially if you don’t watch or ignore the actors faces most of the time (except Sokka, he kills it). But it is nowhere near anything that can be called good.
I gave a show an hour of my time to get me to watch a universe I already like and know. If it can’t “get” me in an hour, and THAT’S your front facing first episode? Nah, not worth my time
I agree. I stopped watching after the first episode. It was extremely bad. I would understand if it’s worse than the show, but it’s just bad in general. The best comparison I could give is a really bad CW show. It not only fails as a remake, but fails a lot of basic television fundamentals. I understand people have different opinions, but it was so bad that it was almost objectively awful.
To be fair, I haven’t gotten to more than Ep1 yet, because ep.1 was so bad I lost all excitement. The visuals are nice, and I personally don’t mind little lore inconsistencies like flying that much, but the dialogue was really really bad, and I did not like frontloading the whole airbender genocide plot. Yes, 90% of the viewers probably have seen the original and know the plot, but it still robs me of the experience of discovering the truth and learning about Aang together with sokka and Katara. Idk, I just really like the structure of the original show, and I didn’t appreciate the swap.
In general, the approach of the show seems to be averse to the “big reveal” technique of the original. They do the same with the death of Iroh’s son, Zuko’s conflict with his father, King Bumi, etc. The philosophy seems to be to lay everything out for the viewer and watch it develop.
Yeah, but for me as a kid, seeing those kids grow up, discover and learn more about their world, while I was growing up, discovering and learning about my world was what made the show so relatable and good. And I still watch the original to get back that sense of wonder and surprise even today. Because even as adults, we can be so sure something is right, wrong, important, impossible, worthless, etc. And be totally wrong, right, anything in between and, most importantly, totally focusing on the wrong thing and missing the bigger picture.
It showed me that evil people sometimes just are senselessly evil, but mostly have just different convictions, beliefs, upbringing or information that makes them think they are the good guy. And they think we are the bad guy. But while what they do may be not senseless evil, we still must try to stop them. There can be logic to evil, but it’s still evil.
For me as a small kid, that was a big thing to learn. And obviously I understand that as an adult, I can’t get that from the show now, but I want the feeling that if I watched this show as a kid, i would have gotten both of those things.
And honestly, the first episode didn’t give me much hope for either of these. That, plus the cringy writing just killed all my enthusiasm. I will probably try episode 2 some time. But, I’m not excited anymore.
It is though and I’ve watched the entire thing. Dialogue lines are trash, they constantly “tell” instead of “show,” timelines don’t make any sense, Team Avatar has no Chemistry, Katara learns to waterbend at a master-level from a single scroll, Aang never waterbends, there’s no obvious through-line for the plot (it’s just assumed you know why Aang is going to these places), Aang literally has no passion, and the show is trying to straddle the line between shot-for-shot remake and a retelling, but failing at both. There’s ZERO character development. I could go on with things that are wrong with this new series.
I think the young actors and the special-effects crew have been failed by the writers, directors, and producers.
One weird decision was to rewrite Aang’s disappearance. Originally he ran away and got frozen, and no one made a huge deal of his “running away”. In the new series they explicitly change it to a brief flight to just think on things. Then they leaned hard a few times in shaming him for running away, when they expressly changed that detail…
Wait didn’t he also get blamed for running away in the original show? Or at least for not being there for the war?
I really enjoyed the live action. Imo, it cut a lot of the filler from the animated show. I dislike wasting my time watching an episode that adds nothing to the plot.
I really think they should have just continued the story, rather than try to reboot it. I really hope they continue it though.
The animated universe will still be continued with movies coming out in the next few years. I think there is more info at ! about that somewhere.
I also hope the live action gets a second season at least.
I enjoyed Netflix’ Avatar so much that I finally started the anime. The acting from basically all the children actors is atrocious but I just love the realism and animation of the worldbuilding that an anime just can’t give me. Any plot points with minor characters are great and with the exception of Azula, the fire nation actors are great.
This adaption, while not perfect due to nothing coming close to the show in terms of perfection, is not bad at all. It’s shorter than the show so of course they had to make things flow quicker and things were cut out. But for a 7 episode take on season 1 I was impressed.
Yeah it’s not the best thing since sliced bread, but it was a decent TV show (in a vacuum.) Which was about the best we could hope for when they said they want to appeal to Avatar fans AND Game of Thrones fans.
I just don’t get it. Who wants a live action avatar. The show holds up just fine.
maybe they regard it as a separate revenue stream, so they can doubledip into what their demographics and marketing departments tell them are two completely independent audiences, cartoons vs live action. There’s gotta be some reason because there’s nobody who wants this, nobody who thinks it’s a good idea, and nobody who is not filled with trepidation and a vague nausea at its release, who is also a fan of the original show.
I also don’t believe it can be true that there is a subset of people who are too manly/serious and “absolutely will not watch cartoons” that overlaps with “would watch this obvious adaptation of a children’s show”.
But yeah, they don’t think that way I guess. Anyway I’m just glad it’s not another butcher job. Gonna give it a while before I watch it, I want them to understand this is nobody’s priority. (An Earthbender Avatar, however… that’s day 1 binge territory)
Im only 4 episodes in so I can’t give a full review but I think the problem is there were some choices that were made that ruined the heart of what was good about the show. Uncle iroh and saka are not funny at all. I just saw the 4th episode which has the caves of omashu and the singing hippies were hilarious but got mostly removed. It’s like they think laughing would cheapen then shows seriousness or something. There is no love connection between aang and katara. And they added a bunch of storyline from season 2 for some reason.
Obviously there is no love connection between Aang and Katara, that simply does not work between a 12 and a 15 year old.
12 and 15 year olds can have crushes. Why do we have to act like children don’t experience love between friends? It’s part of growing up and part of the human experience.
One thing I kept thinking about while watching this new show is how much you end up missing Toph. You still get interactions with Zuko, which I thought were fine, but something is still missing, and it’s Toph.