(Not mine, just sharing)
That overlap is extremely conservative.
Yeah, we need another circle here for people who are socially conservative. There are pro-life voters who wouldn’t identify with any of these positions, leading me to label them anything but conservative.
It’s almost as if people aren’t as one-dimensional as some voting systems.
Can you define socially conservative? In my experience, that includes people who believe “races” should be segregated
Typically (in the US at least) the term “socially conservative” is used to specify conservatism on social (usually domestic) issues, as opposed to other areas like foreign policy, economy, or some other broad subject of government.
Within that framework, you’ll usually see “social conservatives” holding views that are often considered “family values” positions (for better or for worse), and usually are primarily concerned with subjects surrounding the day to day lives of the individuals within society.
These positions are often closely tied to personally held beliefs on the ways that society overall should look and act, and as such are frequently informed by religious beliefs (which tend to focus on the same topics). Such issues include: abortion (with social conservatives tending to be pro-life to some degree), LGBTQ rights (typically anti-marriage equality, against recognition of trans gendering, and any and all depictions of non-cishet lives in any books, movies, etc. especially those marketed toward children), public school curricula (if anyone is talking about banking books, it’s likely social conservatives), the role of religion in schools and other official places (frequently they’re very much in favor of prayer in schools…so long as it’s Christian prayer… American social conservatives would very likely blow a fuse if their kid’s school were to have prayer times for their Muslim students), content and conduct deemed ‘offensive’ (profanity in songs, violence in video games, etc.), sex and nudity, censorship, etc.
Simply put, they’re the “Won’t someone think of the children!” people who want to tell everyone else how to live their lives.
MAGA in the middle
Life is full of mysteries but this is one I just will never get. How are they able to “lose the thread” so badly?
It’s literally brainwashing techniques: if you repeat something often enough from an “authoritative” source then the information bypasses logical skepticism and many (more than half) of people just accept it as truthful.
It’s a great adaptation for energy savings actually - e.g. engineers MUST use this principle on a daily basis when working in a team environment, or else nothing would ever get done. Even scientists whose literal job is to question EVERYTHING don’t re-examine every single precept every single time (is this water that I am adding now? okay now, I am moving my right hand, but is it really MY hand, in the grand scheme of things?:-P oh no, the thing I just picked up, a second ago, is it still the same thing now?).
i.e. active disinformation is extremely destructive, and most people today seem to have few defenses against it. Especially when religion is co-opted as the delivery mechanism.
Many people truly do not understand how correct George Carlin was when he said, “the average person is pretty dumb…”.
Thing is, not all these people have less than two braincells to rub together. It’s like flat earther’s. Not all of them are stupid people. Maybe just never got taught critical thinking until they’d already been indoctrinated in some religion (evangelical Christianity usually, but not always.) Or grew up before the internet, and so fell into the echo chamber trap. Or their parents only watch Faux News and so that’s what they watch.
Calling all these people stupid isn’t really fair. I know stupid people who think all that shit is ridiculous.
Can we just start calling it what it is? “Pro-birth” The right doesn’t care what happens to you after that…hence the outside circles…and healthcare, food assistance, shelter, etc.
I think “anti-choice” is adequate, gets the point across in a different way
I agree wholeheartedly. I think this is an excellent phrase that describes what these people are trying to do on many levels.
The point of all of these propaganda campaigns, is take control from others and leave themselves in charge.
It centers on making everyone think the same as them.
So on every level they want to remove your choices
If they were pro birth they’d be providing, if nothing else, pre and post natal healthcare as well as paid parental leave. But they don’t and deaths related to births are on the rise.
Apologist perspective: all three have a common thread, individual rights (assumption: fetuses have rights).
But even that breaks down when you consider social policies like same sex marriage and recreational drugs.
Wait, the death penalty violates that explanation. Well… I tried.
I oppose gun control.
I favor the death penalty, but not in the overwhelming majority of the cases that it’s actually used in. Specifically, I think that it should probably be limited to people that kill for pathological reasons, people that would kill more people if they were ever able to get out of prison, people like Ed Kemper, Gary Ridgeway, Dylan Roof, etc.
I’m very solidly pro-choice, and got sterilized 20 years ago just to be sure.
I strongly favor infection control and deeply oppose lies (“misinformation”) about vaccination, etc., but concede that individuals should have the choice to wear masks, get vaccinated, etc. or not, but that the gov’t has a compelling interest in not allowing them into gov’t buildings (schools, courts, etc.) if they refuse, and businesses have the absolute right to deny them service on the basis of their choice.