Living in a world that doesn’t feel like it’s about to crumble.
Existing stress-free.
You can (probably) do that right now. You just have to give up on the idea of advancing any aspect of your life to do it. Related quote from the movie Fight Club: “it’s only after you’ve lost everything, that you’re free to do anything.” I think about that line a lot, because it has both positive and negative implications.
Ya. Well that’s why I added the ‘probably’. Unfortunately sometimes maintaining a zero sum can be all the work of improvement without any of the benefit. Feels like furiously firing rocket engines just a hover in place. I’ve been there; still am in some regards. Best of luck to you.
Own a house. I finally start making decent money and can save but it’s nothing to what I would need for a mortgage. On top of that if I do finally bite I can’t guarantee my income if I chnlange jobs which could be a thing. I just want to own and have a yard so I can get a dog. My shitty apparetment doesn’t have space or commodities for it and rent keeps going up.