What games do you play? Who do you play with?
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve struggled to keep up with multiplayer games. I don’t really want to play unless I have someone to play with, and finding someone to play with is more trouble than it’s worth. I have friends and family who game, but we always run into one of two main problems: -1) Our schedules simply refuse to align, or -2) We can’t agree on what to play.
I’m always on the lookout for cool indie multiplayer games, whether that means large-scale like Battlebit or small-scale like Deep Rock Galactic. Some of my friends are either always chasing that absolute latest game (i don’t), or they’re real into MMOs (I’m not), or they have very particular preferences about which aesthetics they will take a chance on. It’s a struggle, but I’m always working to figure it out.
So what do you think? How have you fit multiplayer gaming into your life?
It doesn’t fit well into my life. With work, the kids and all the responsibilities that comes with it I can’t afford to sink a lot of time into it, so if I get a game I’ll focus on single-player games, or I’ll go with multiplayer games with a co-op to at least enjoy the game without it being a competition.
I hear you on the competitive games piece, but competitive games where i can play with friends gives me a similar feel. As long as you can all laugh at losing. lol
Did you ever have a time where competitive gaming was an interest or pastime for you?
Any game that requires regular playtime is a nope for me now. I switched to games that you can put off easily - games that are playable under a fixed amount of hours and that do not require dedication.
Typically right now i am playing Dark Souls on twitch - I can turn it on, play a bit (even just 30 minutes) then put it down easily.
I also switched to board games - my SO is not into video games but she is into board games so we can enjoy that together. We are playing Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion right now it’s a blast
I’ve given up on multiplayer. Too many kids that apparently had relations with my mom.
Cooperative games! Games where you work with many people. Games where you talk to people in the game. Great way to meet people, and also bring your friends along. Social aspects of gaming are more engaging than gaming by itself.
The only multiplayer game I really play is Team Fortress 2. I learnt the mechanics over a decade ago and I understand it. My reflexes aren’t amazing, but I “get it”. I can’t be bothered to learn any new multiplayer game mechanics, so when I want to get online and play a shooter I go for TF2.
Coop games are another matter, but yeah, TF2. My desire to play it comes and goes, but it’s always there waiting for me.