Whisker fatigue causes stress and overstimulates their senses. Using a flat bowl or plate will relieve this issue and allow your cat to eat all their food without stress.
You can also search for “whisker fatigue” bowls specifically made for cats.
While true, my theory is that they might also want something else. I use a plate and sometimes she’ll just beg for more anyway even if half of what I gave her is still in the bowl, I’ll give her a tiny bit of something else and she’ll go eat that instead lol
my theory is that they might also want something else.
I keep about 4 different kinds of food around for our cats. I have three auto-feeders in different parts of the house each with a different foot and dispense schedule. That way the cat has some choice about what they are eating, and there’s a bit of environmental enrichment where they can eat in different places.
I also hide little piles of cat treats in various locations around the house. Keeps the cats curious and exploring to see if they can find something good to munch.
That really depends on the cat. Mine don’t care whatsoever.
If I served food on a plate, I’d be serving food on the floor.
A small mat under their food and water (kept separate due to other instinct cats have) is an easy way to keep things cleaner.
I put it in a very shallow dish and then put that dish inside a shallow (and heavy) old baking tray.
The lip of the tray catches the kibble from falling outside of it and the heaviness makes it hard for her to move it.
And now I don’t feel bad about getting new, lighter pans because the old one is still getting used.
For dry food, if you put it in small (4-5cm dia.) cups they WILL reach in to grab the kibble and will eat one at a time.
This is a great way to de-chonk.
[OT] I just googled “de-chonk” and now I with that someone named their gym “Human Dechonking Centre”.