Hackers gonna start carrying mirrors to cause an outage.
“Advantages of using light rather than radio frequencies”
Nobody tell em how the electromagnetic spectrum works!
Yup, as someone who worked with radar, I’m not really sure what they’re trying to say.
So IR blasters were the future all along? Maybe not infrared exactly but it seems pretty similar.
Really makes you think about its “Security through obscurity” approach! 😆😆
Ma! Theres dust on the Li-Fi sensor again! Ma! You gotta clean it every week for the TV to work!
Yeah this is gonna be great.
It’s going to be great if you don’t imagine it as a one-for-one replacement for traditional wifi and use it in applications that are specific to its strengths and weaknesses.
Also, just how dusty is your house that one week’s accumulation is enough to snuff out a signal?