Maybe this will start a trend of businesses letting their cashiers sit down.
Aldi is great. Walmart has been robbing small towns in America without competition for long enough. I hope more Americans shop at Aldi and save more money while getting healthier food at a fair price.
Does Aldi provide better deals than Walmart?
I used to shop there, but the prices were comparable and everything went bad fast.
That is what fresh food not overloaded with preservatives will do. You should really make fresh produce shopping more of a daily activity as you need it. But not everyone has that kind of time understandably bi-weekly also doable for truly fresh produce along with you plan out your meals for the week
You should really make fresh produce shopping more of a daily activity as you need it.
Are you fucking joking? You expect a single parent working two jobs to go shopping daily as well?
everything went bad fast.
Yeah, that’s because the food is fresh and less treated than what most Americans are used to. Going bad fast is not necessary a bad thing.
No, it’s because it’s old produce that is close to expiring.
The aldi simps here are insane, but another reason why I don’t take the masses seriously anymore.
Aldi provides way better working conditions than Walmart, that’s for sure. Imagine being able to sit during a job that doesn’t require standing – in America!!!
That’s what fresh food is, not filled with preservatives and processed garbage that contributes to chronic low grade inflammation
Is their food really “fresher” than Walmarts?
Can you provide any sources to back up that claim?
Hell yeah. Aldi is the shit
smaller European entrant
I like how from the perspective of outsiders, Aldi is “small”. They’re huge here in Europe along with Lidl. The two make a meme of establishing shops next to each other wherever either exist.
I am glad that Aldi is setting up shops in US. The chain is pretty cheap though the food quality is okay compared to others. I haven’t really heard anything bad about Aldi so they are pretty good employers unlike many American shops like Walmart.
Where I am in the US all our supermarkets suck, and are over priced. Aldi offers a clean environment with inexpensive food at decent non farm stand quality. When your alternative is double the price in a run down store or Walmart. Aldi is a very nice alternative.
I really don’t think it takes much for Aldi to compete in a large part of the US market. Even if they’re not the best because we have so much of the worst in supermarkets.
IL native, so maybe its regional, but Aldi aint small here either xD
Not only are they everywhere, everyone i meet raves about the stark differences in prices between them and their other local stores.
I had a cut of gruyere from there a few weeks ago that was top notch. They got some real bargains for what some people would see as luxury food.
They’re not a small company but their locations do typically have a very small footprint compared to the typical US grocery store… Much lower square footage.
They’ve been in US markets for decades at this point. They just don’t have locations in every region of the US or so many locations even in the regions that they do exist as to be considered ubiquitous.
Its strange that they couldn’t get a hold of Denmark. They closed all their shops here last year, even shops that opened that same week! Must have been a very abrupt decision!
They suck so much, im glad they closed all their stores in Denmark
We have better alternatives with equal or better prices etc.
Such as Netto
Please come to Colorado!!! I have my Aldi’s quarter ready!