Dude living in a dilapidated double-wide named Jessie:
After Jessie finishes talking about the evils of socialism as he collects his food stamps and unemployment benefits.
And drives on roads stops at stops signs to go to the VA to get his benefits and the stops by the post office to get his mom’s Social security check.
It’s half that, it’s half the idea that they’re giving it to the coloreds and it’s not fair that anyone might get something that they’re not getting.
Like, handouts and welfare etc are good as long as they’re getting it, and other tribes aren’t. If the Others get it instead, then it’s the worst thing ever.
Like when Floridians complain about the federal government sending disaster relief to other states.
Here’s “famous” actor Craig T Nelson complaining about receiving government aid.
It works for literally everything in america
“I recieved student loans/grants to pay for college, anyone help me out? no’”
“I got a union job that pays my mortgage, anyone help me out? no.”
“my parents took care of me as a child, anyone help me out? no.”
“I went to school as a child, anyone help me out? no.”
“I bought a car that I can drive on public roads, anyone help me out? no.”
This is wonderful. I did spot this:
and eliminate some tax deductions for executive compensation.
Why the fuck do tax deductions for executive compensation exist in the first place?!?!
Companies have been allowed to treat pay as a business expense. Executive pay is pay, so they treat it as a cost of doing business.
meanwhile, the 2017 tax cuts and jobs act contained a provision that now prevents companies from deducting research and development, expenses, including software development.
I’m continually amazed by the fediverse, people can come over to butt heads about politics from porn site comment sections.
I love it.
How about getting Congress to stop trading in the stock market on their inside information
For fuck’s sake the head of the Fed was trading in the market he oversees— was caught doing it— and still remains in his position
He’s already proposed limits and caps to politician trading then everyone fought back against the Stock Act so he kicked it to Congress.
He stopped his own from doing it though since he was able to do that.
Have fun pulling any random possible complaint out every time a Democrat doing something good doesn’t turn our country into a fascist theocratic hellhole though lmfao.
Wow, trying something new, huh? I definitely haven’t heard this exact same material every election since the 80s! How fresh and new! big ideas! If only somebody would have come up with “more social programs” and “tax corporations and the wealthy” before! I guess nobody thinking of these concepts must be why none of it ever happens, and not because the executive is just one of three branches of the US government so candidates for president can just vomit whatever hopeful fever dreams they want to, knowing full well none of it will ever make it past congress.
Ok. The alternative is to vote for the former president that actually implemented a massive tax cut for the rich. So clearly, it matters who you pick.
Also, Biden has managed to pardon a shit ton in student loans because he could bypass congress. So clearly, it’s not just paying lip service, but actually walking the walk when it’s available to him.
Vote in a Dem majority in both houses (with a margin so DINOs cant block them), and we can actually get something done.
It’s easy for them to say those words when all they have to do is ignore everything that actually happened.
Biden’s biggest mistake is not being more vocal about his accomplishments. He’s greatly exceeded my expectations.
Are you enjoying the traitors tax hikes on working people? Guess what that evil piece of shit did at the same time? Cut taxes on corporations immensely and permanently, whilst making the small tax cuts for individuals purposefully expire.
There’s clearly one party who at least attempts to help the working class while the hilariously evil and overtly corrupt party does everything in their power to hurt us.