The wheels on my hardtail have been shit. Roughly every two months a spoke have popped. With a tubeless setup that have been a pain. When I had to get a new set of spokes for the front wheel my FLBS guy recommended me rebuilding them. Told me to sit down and replace them one at a time. I have done that now. Finally. The drop that made the glass spill over was a spoke popping when I wad fixing another. And several were stuck in their nipples.
Went from 1.8mm (15g) “approved by manufacturer” round spokes with 12mm aluminium nipples to 2mm (14g) DT Swiss Champion with 14mm brass nipples. I’m starting to enjoy tinkering with wheels…
Any tips or guides that worked well for you?
I have two dead wheels, one with a busted hub and one with a busted rim, so I’m planning to disassemble both and create one good one
Sounds interesting! Out of curiosity how did you find the recommended spoke tension for your rim? Or did you just guess it?
I kinda just went by feel. As long as the spokes don’t unwind during ride you are tight enough. Had to redo the rear wheel a few times until I got it good. But next time I’ll look it up beforehand. Many (most) manufacturers have it listed on their support pages. Others not. Those cases they have to be contacted directly.
I kinda just went by feel. As long as the spokes don’t unwind during ride you are tight enough. Had to redo the rear wheel a few times until I got it good. But next time I’ll look it up beforehand. Many (most) manufacturers have it listed on their support pages. Others not. Those cases they have to be contacted directly.