We can get dumber
I can hear him saying, “of course it will be fine” with a tone that implies questioning the fineness was the stupidest thing he’s ever heard, because he thinks projecting confidence works for anything just like it works for tricking people that he knows things he really doesn’t.
And then there’s a good chance he acts like there was no way anyone could see the result coming once it’s clear that it isn’t, in fact, fine.
Tbf, there are American beaches known for being drivable. Specifically, Daytona Beach.
A wave od horror washing over me as I realize these idiots can afford a Cybertruck while I can only have an old beater.
wealth and stupidity come hand in hand in many, many cases.
I think this is partially because in order to make a lot of money in most cases you have to fuck someone else over and never have it occur to you thats what you’re doing. Like if you find out you can buy t-shirts for €1, then you go to your neighbor and tell them they can have a t-shirt for the low price of €30 (and manage not to feel bad about that) you’re a successful businessman and a pilliar of the community.
And if you can get someone to even do the part of finding the $1 t-shirts for another $1 instead of you doing any work, you are a job creator.
Cyber truck buyers are Elon worshipping tech bros, which means that they think they are smarter and better than everybody else. This leads to acts of hubris like the above picture, which are obviously very stupid and easy to see coming, but these types of people think, “I am very smart and know exactly what I am doing at all times. This will be fine, because I am doing it.”
Since no one else has said it, this isn’t a design flaw of the truck. The operator didn’t let air out of their tires. Before driving on sand you really want to let your tire PSI down to like 15 to be safe. I used to pull hummers out of the beach with my old four cylinder Nissan pickup because their drivers were often overconfident they didn’t need to deflate their tires (or just completely unaware). I don’t like Tesla but this is an operator error, not a fatal flaw of the truck.
I used to race cars, and would over/ under inflate my tires based on the weather and track conditions. Never thought about driving on sand, but that’s a super useful tip that I would wager most people have never heard.
It’s not just sand, rock crawlers will deflate tires down to single digits (that’s why they use beadlocks) so that the tires actually wrap around the rocks.
I guess you’re talking about psi.
(No offense to you, dear Buffaloaf, I just looked it up and thought I might share).
For everyone of the 191 non-USA countries, 10 psi is 0,69 bar or 690 hPa. That’s pretty low.
By the way, why is psi written in such a weird way? It should be lbs/ in^2
Yeah it made me a lot of extra cash when I was in high school. I would park over the on-ramp for beach access and wait for a tourist to inevitably get stuck. Most of the time I wouldn’t ask for money but they’d give me a nice tip since they knew the only other option was to call a tow truck. The park service requires a permit to off road now, and that info is on the permit so fortunately for visitors it happens less often now.
This is definitely a Tesla flaw. Anyone dumb enough to buy one of these trucks is dumb enough to take it on the beach.
Calm? It scares the ever-living shit out of me that I’m surrounded by these people every day. They drive next to me. They have power over me. It’s frightening.