actually, but sure. Change bad
Namespaces are the construct in NVMe technology that hold user data. An NVMe controller can have multiple namespaces attached to it. Most NVMe SSDs today just use a single namespace, but multi-tenant applications, virtualization and security have use cases for multiple namespaces.
device v
/dev/nvme0n1p1 < partition
namespace ^
There are two types of people: Those who are able to identify gaps in their knowledge and actively seek to fill them… and whatever this meme is.
We can enjoy the meme and also use it as a learning opportunity :)
I for one didn’t know about NVMe namespaces.
Funny? In a meme? C’mon man, we’re trying to be serious here and know which technologies we can shame to feel good about ourselves. Stop ruining my quest for self-egrandifying tech-snobbery with your so-called humour!!1!
P.S. thanks to @vampire even so; that was interesting to learn
All this and you missed the chance to also point out that the meme misspelled “conventions.”
I’m guessing it’s for some shit to make sure some ridiculous setup with two gazillion drives doesn’t have conflicts
You mean Linux? Other Unixes don’t necessarily use this naming convention.
Well it’s sdx because they both use the SATA interface. The sdx convention actually comes from scsi though, and the fact that SATA and USB drives use it might point to some code reuse, or maybe a temporary solution that never got fixed due to breaking backwards compatibility.
Fun fact: IDE drives use the hdx naming convention.
I didn’t know that. Maybe nvme hasn’t been added to the standard yet then.