Telegram is just actually superior in terms of features I don’t get it.
Telegram is owned by Russians and the server is proprietary closed-source. I prefer Signal.
Yeah, I’m with you. Plus no end to end encryption. Go ahead and let Russia see all your messages.
Most people don’t care about privacy anyways so in this case I’d argue features are more important for the average user, which telegram has.
Well if that’s your angle, then the main reason for choosing WhatsApp over telegram is the first-mover advantage. WhatsApp came out years before telegram and is a very popular app in many markets.
I’d argue that not many people care about sending 2gb files either. In my experience, more people care about privacy when prompted than about sending 2gb files.
Telegram’s official components are open source, with the exception of the server which is closed-sourced and proprietary.
Telegram was launched in 2013 by the brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov. Previously, the pair founded the Russian social network VK, which they left in 2014, saying it had been taken over by the government. Pavel Durov sold his remaining stake in VK and left Russia after resisting government pressure.
Telegram is registered as a company in the British Virgin Islands and as an LLC in Dubai. It does not disclose where it rents offices or which legal entities it uses to rent them, citing the need to “shelter the team from unnecessary influence” and protect users from governmental data requests. After Pavel Durov left Russia in 2014, he was said to be moving from country to country with a small group of computer programmers consisting of 15 core members. While a former employee of VK claimed that Telegram had employees in Saint Petersburg, Pavel Durov said that the Telegram team made Berlin, Germany, its headquarters in 2014, but failed to obtain German residence permits for everyone on the team and moved to other jurisdictions in early 2015. Since 2017, the company has been based in Dubai.
the guy who created it was born in russia… but pissed off russian authorities and i don’t think he can set foot in russia anymore without being arrested
I think you mean Signal.
Makes a post about messaging superiority by advocating for inferior app. Lol. Gotta read the room better buddy.
In regards to Whatsapp. If I were talking about signal vs telegram then this comment would be relevant but I’m not am i
Why are you taking such a confrontational approach?
Original commenter and you give no information on what makes Signal better. Signal is outside of the topic scope anyway, but would be a fair extension of it. Instead you use an insulting tone and completely dismiss their approach.
And this shit gets more up than downvotes. Makes it clear this platform has group-think toxicity issues too, moreso than promoting fair and good-intention discussion.
Telegram is worse than WhatsApp in terms of security. It doesn’t even use audited encryption by default.
Personally? Because telegram feels dodgier than WhatsApp. At least I can trust WhatsApp enough around security. If I really want to upgrade my privacy or freedom, I would have chosen either Matrix, Signal or Session.
At least I can trust WhatsApp enough around security.
Funny how Mark Zuckerberg himself was found out using Signal over his own messaging app. Raises some suspicions, doesn’t it?
If I really want to upgrade my privacy or freedom, I would have chosen either Matrix, Signal or Session.
It’s not like you had any privacy with a messaging app that is owned by Meta to begin with for you to be able to upgrade it in the first place. When not even the owner of WhatsApp uses WhatsApp, I find it unreasonable why anyone else would want to use WhatsApp. Like, its owner doesn’t use it for a reason that is bad enough to make him use Signal over his own messaging app which apparently “respects” privacy.
Not much difference because both signal and WhatsApp use the same protocol and encryption.
Sure as hell does. E2EE isn’t the only factor you should take into the matter if you care about your privacy. Who knows, maybe WhatsApp stores plain text in the drive. Maybe they send the private keys of the WhatsApp user to Meta. You don’t know since everything related to WhatsApp is closed-source. What about the metadata WhatsApp collects? Metadata is a much more valuable thing than you might think it is. Signal proved to collect as little metadata as possible with the response they gave to this subpoena. On top of that, Signal is FOSS. If you had the choice to use one, choosing WhatsApp over Signal would be retarded. Plus you might as well use the messaging app from the original creators of the Signal protocol that WhatsApp came to implement.
And also, if using both of them didn’t matter, care to give an explanation about why even Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of WhatsApp, decided to use Signal instead?
Because I’d rather be spied on by the USA than Russia.
Not being spied on is not an option if you want to stay in contact with people.
Do you live in Russia? Who can really use that information to damage you somehow, the USA or Russia? If you live in the US or in a country subservient to their government is better to being spied by Russia on that case.