I didn’t think the US would survive Citizens United.
In the ways that matter, like still being a representative democracy and not a functional oligarchy, I was correct.
Stop normalizing conservatives like Liz Cheney, her dad was an even bigger war criminal than trump, and the only reason she doesn’t like trump is he took control of the party when she was hoping to do the same thing.
There’s all types of decent people who say the same few good things she says. And the media is going to fuck around and make people think she’s a “sensible conservative”.
As much as I hate her, she’s fighting to stop him, and that is a good thing.
It’s like if one mugger runs up and hits you in the face and demand your wallet…
You’d be happy someone ran up and scared off the first mugger, until they pull out a knife and also demand your wallet.
Your still getting mugged, you just didn’t expect it the second time.
Hell, you could argue Cheney is worse because she’ll do the same shit just less obvious so less people will care or even notice how bad she is.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” or at least a temporary ally.
There are times when two enemies can look at a third, common enemy and agree teamwork is the only way to survive. This is one of those times.
Well right now she’s still fighting off the first mugger. I’m not going to attack her until the first mugger has been dealt with and then only once she pulls her knife on me.
If your point is to be wary that she may pull a knife, I agree.
If your point is to fight off the mugger and her at the same time, I disagree.
There are some sites that let you quickly compare voting records.
Cheney vs Kevin McCarthy Before Jan 6, they agreed on votes about 95% of the time. After Jan 6, they did not see eye to eye as often, only about 90% of the time. LINK
Cheney vs AOC Before Jan 6, they agreed about 30% of the time, about 40% after. LINK
You can check whatever rep you want. I checked about a half dozen MAGA people, and she still agress with most about 90+ % of the time. While she seems to hate Trump personally, she doesn’t really disagree much with Team MAGA as a whole.
Yep “moderate” republicans only disagree with maga Republicans being loud about the quiet parts.
They still want that stuff, they just think someone like trump attracts too much attention and what they were already doing was working fine.
So normalizing Cheney makes her more dangerous. Say trump is imprisoned or dead before the election and Cheney gets the nom. She’ll do all the stuff trump would have, but people wouldn’t be as motivated to hold their nose and vote for Biden.
The worst thing that can happen to Biden’s chances, is trump not running.
That’s the reason “moderate” republicans are speaking out against trump. It’s not because it’s the right thing, it’s because he’s a liability.
The scariest part to me is that no one has cared about the brazenness of Trump’s actions. No one has worked any harder to stop him than any other white collar criminal. His lack of concern for his image and reputation has allowed him to “accomplish” more than the previous R presidencies.
Can you imagine if he had someone capable like a younger Kissinger working for him? The only saving grace we had was most of his cronies are only as smart as he is. Not that it takes a genius to be the bull in the China shop, but if we let people with half a brain take the same opportunities, we are done.
The Trump presidency has shown our country is very willing to accept a fascist leader. Maybe not quite ready enough, but way too close for comfort.
You don’t want Liz Cheney’s help. This isn’t an enemy of my enemy situation, or a lesser of two evils. You’d be trading one bad for a different but equally bad. You want to go back to Iraq and Afghanistan? She’d put us back in Iraq and Afghanistan if she could.
well, she can’t. she doesn’t even hold office anymore.
you’re attributing to her a lot more power than she actually has.
You do realize that it’s hard for people to sometimes even begin to consider those parts of the world when their own local governments and potentially their Federal governments might just actively and openly begin putting them in jail?
her dad was an even bigger war criminal
Guilt by association is a fallacy.
She’s a Bush Conservative, although I still wildly disagree with her, that’s not nearly as crazy as Trump’s MAGA crowd, who aren’t really conservatives, but rabid cultists, who want to dismantle democracy, and want Trump as dictator king.
So yes there definitely is a big difference in Cheney at least supporting democracy. Saying both are crazy Republicans is a false equivalence.
She should run as a spoiler candidate then.
Vote Blue to Save the US Constitution.
I’m voting blue to keep the water pumps on a sinking ship going to buy a little time and delay some suffering. The ship is dead.
We need a new constitution with a focus on punishing people that try to buy more influence than their single vote permits with the same severity as murderers. I don’t believe in capital punishment, but if murderers are getting it I’m fine with would be antisocial profiteers getting the same treatment, but would prefer life in prison all around.
You might say that’s impossible, but capitalist created, climate change induced collapse makes all things possible long term, and there’s no real interest by people with power/capital in mitigating that.
Even our fallible, slave owning and raping founders who floated voting rights be tied to land ownership acknowledged their document was not divine and would eventually need to be replaced… a quarter millenium ago.
We need a new constitution that focuses on not having free speech
No, we don’t
Friendly reminder she is still evil.