I’m re-watching The Magicians with my wife, since she’s never seen it. It’s been long enough since I watched it last that I don’t remember a lot of things that happened, so there’s a lot of “I forgot got that!” moments for me, which is fun.
Beast Wars. My wife and I both remember loving it when we were younger and wondered if that was just nostalgia and being a kid. It was not, the show is legitimately good.
Once I’m done watching Conspiracy Catz on YouTube I’m going to watch Xmen animated series. Battlestar Galactica maybe after that. Tried watching Arrow but got bored during season 2.
A bit exhausted after my Buffy rewatch
Just finished the fourth complete rewatch of Faracape for the family. For me personally it was my 8th rewatch. By far my favorite sci Fi series of all time.
After that we watched Firefly.
Just started Stargate SG-1. Second time for the family, 3rd time for me.