When Im working hard to get somewhere in the company I get shit from people:
“ThE cOmPaNy dOeSn’T cArE aBoUt YoU…”
Yeaah I fucking know the company doesn’t care. But its not like I’m getting a different and better role + a better salary if I just work the bare minimum and give zero shits about everything. In the end some people just work harder for selfish reasons, I doubt its for company loyalty or Love of flowers.
Employee : This is the report you asked about
Boss : Good job! Now, I have another task for you…
Employee : …
You are more important than the company, put you and your family first.
If your company doesn’t provide a pension plan you have no reason to be loyal and stay.
Telework is an excuse for minimal working. Most remote workers schedule emails, get their work done quickly than spend the work day doing personal work on the clock.
Charisma is more important than performance for career progression.
Favorite employees are typically the easiest to be manipulated and taken advantage of.
Telework is an excuse for minimal working.
telework gives human beings their agency back. nobody, NOBODY needs to spend 8 hours straight doing emails
Most remote workers schedule emails, get their work done quickly than spend the work day doing personal work on the clock.
That’s the biggest load of bs I’ve ever read. I work just as hard as my colleagues in the office and I don’t clock out after half a day.
Or maybe I respect my boss because he respects me so I don’t have a reason to fuck with him.
How is doing your work quickly in remote working an excuse for minimal working? If the work is done, where’s the issue?
From an employer’s perspective, they are wasting their money if you work less than the work day. Most employees waste their workdays in the office, stretching out work. One of the reasons why telework is failing is because, after three years, employers finally figured out that their employees are not working the whole day. From their point of view, that means you are unproductive because you could be doing even more and can handle a much larger workload. Employees obviously don’t want them to know that.
So the solution is to get them back to the office so they are forced to spend more time either being slowed down by their environment or pretending to work like before? I don’t understand the point. Employees are not going to magically transpose 2h of efficient remote work into 8h of efficient office work. The point of view is irational.
There is no such things as the employer will provide a safe working environment. They don’t care, it even more true when your safety cost them money.
It depends on the job type really. If it’s something in the food business, you are in a literal death trap every day in the name of some random person’s sense of taste, but if you’re in a humanity job for example, they can’t afford the mentality that would cause the work scene to not accommodate to you.
I work in agricultural robotics… Our client develops a new harvesting machine, but is unaware of the real danger of it. My boss just want the things done as fast as possible. This expose us to danger. Not really a robotic cell, not really an agricultural machine, something in between, without any direct regulation to cover it because it is new.
I was referring to the field/category. Things like soup kitchens and daycare.