Another dinosaur from the past century resisting 21th21st century.
Meanwhile, back in reality, my company isn’t upside down on commercial real estate & likes making more money so we are getting a smaller office to house our servers & equipment.
My company did the same. We had a six week assessment period where everyone was required to come in two days per week. Once that data showed no major difference in output, we got a smaller office (for receiving and such) and everyone was told the office is optional. Smart business that kept people happy.
This right here.
Find me a company deeply invested in office real estate (in particular, expecting a return on that real estate), and I’ll show you a company against remote work.
The real detriments don’t exist. True, I have met workers that don’t like remote work: companies have latched on to those people as an excuse to continue what is otherwise an entirely transparent narrative.
If anything I gain productivity by working from home. I see companies that don’t support that kind of work as entirely being behind the curve.
“We’re not going to make that decision because we’re pandering to employees”
Is there such a thing as “pandering to employees”? The employees are doing the real work to keep the company going, while Dimon’s work apparently includes appearing on news stations ridiculing said employees.
Hopefully the next headline we hear about J.P. Morgan will be a mass voluntary attrition.
His employees should take him up on that.
This is the ONLY thing they listen to. If you want to work from home and your employer doesn’t let you, it’s time to quit.
I have nothing bad to say about people who prefer going in to the office. I respect your preference and I understand it is necessary for some positions. You are valuable, too, and there’s plenty of places that would love to have you.
There’s room in this work world for both types of jobs. It’s not an either-or choice.
Anyone who can WFH and wants to WFH should be allowed to do so, full stop.
I just want to interject that more people could probably be successful small business owners if they wanted to, instead of just getting another job. Small business also usually benefit humans more than corporations.
We need universal healthcare. That is the stopping point for many. People done see how they can guarantee healthcare if they start a business. I really think a huge part of the lobbying against universal healthcare is large businesses knowing it prevents competition.
never had a good experience dealing with Chase, I guess leadership feels the same for the employees?
That’s OK, I didn’t have any desire to work for that asshole anyway…
Most folks are exponentially more productive when they don’t have to waste hours of their day (stressfully) driving/public transit from A to B just to do their job.
I am way more productive when I’m not also being constantly interrupted by the people around me all day long. When I sit down to work at home I will go hours without even looking up from my screen. When my attention is interrupted in the office, which happens regularly, it takes me a good 5-7min to focus again. Repeat that same process a couple times an hour and not a lot gets done.