I’m a long term vegetarian/almost vegan, and I have to say this vegan proselytizing shit is fucking insufferable and is why everyone else hates us. If you’re the one who made the video, the way you talk to her is so condescending and smarmy I’m surprised this poor girl didn’t just leave. The points you make are also full of entitlement and are just straight up wrong at certain points. I feel bad for her being subjected to this.
Honestly, I’m glad I chose to stop eating meat without “activists” like you around me because if I were still eating meat and you tried something like this on me, I’d dig aaalll the way in on my choice to eat meat because of you. You’re doing far more harm than you realize.
You’re still supporting animal abuse if you’re vegetarian. Dairy and egg industries sexually abuse cows and grind up male chicks. If you care about animals, go vegan.
Way to read and respond to anything I said. Just double down on your shittiness instead, surely that’ll win people over.
I’m native and I’m vegetarian, but mostly cause of the horrible, disrespectful way that mass meat production treats the animal’s life and care. I have no problem with eating meat, if I hunted it myself, showed respect to the animal, and used as much of the animal as possible without wasting or returning the rest to the earth. Since I can’t do that I just don’t eat meat.
I love animals, but I know that we’re all part of an ecosystem and eating meat is part of all human culture, not just mine, from long long before any of us. I don’t think it’s wrong to eat meat, it just sucks how easy it is to buy meat and not give a thought to how you got it and what it cost, beyond money.
That’s a strange definition of love if it involves killing the individual you claim to care about. I don’t think a person can love someone and then kill them unnecessarily. I don’t think the length of time something has been happening makes it morally right or wrong. Slavery and colonization have been going on for long periods of time and most people recognize those might makes right practices as unethical. If there was another species that hunts, kills, and consumes humans, would you be OK being the victim if it was a part of their culture and in their same ecosystem?
If a lion ate me I would not be offended no. We’re animals, part of the chain. We can choose to not eat animals. If I wanted beef I’d raise beef cattle but then I’d fall in love with the babies and never eat them, so I avoid meat.
To use a modern, Western, privileged, moral stance on something humans have been doing for millennia is just silly.
To use a modern, Western, privileged, moral stance on something humans have been doing for millennia is just silly.
You are diseased in understanding and religion.
Come to me, that you may hear something of sound truth.
Do not unjustly eat fish the water has given up,
And do not desire as food the flesh of slaughtered animals,
Or the white milk of mothers who intended its pure draught
for their young, not noble ladies.
And do not grieve the unsuspecting birds by taking eggs;
for injustice is the worst of crimes.
And spare the honey which the bees get industriously
from the flowers of fragrant plants;
For they did not store it that it might belong to others,
Nor did they gather it for bounty and gifts.
I washed my hands of all this; and wish that I
Perceived my way before my hair went gray!
Al-Ma’arri: AD 973 – 1058 A vegan Arab philosopher and poet who lived in what is Syria today
Not sure if it makes it right or wrong, but it still tastes good.
Hey I removed your comment on the video you shared recently because you seemed to imply the person you were responding to was a rapist. Ad hominem attacks are not allowed on .world, please keep the discussion civil. You can of course post it again without the first sentence.
Here’s your comment without the first sentence for easy pasting:
Animals are sexually abused to create animal products. It’s easier to be vegan than you might think, After a few years of following a plant-based diet instead of a flesh and secretion based diet, taste buds change. I’ve had Taco Bell mess up my order and had a few bites of animal flesh before realizing it. The taste was revolting. Before I went vegan, I liked the taste of meat a lot. When I saw a picture of a pig in a gestation crate and the emotional pain she was in, I decided I didn’t want to support my body with that unnecessary death any longer.
Killing Palestinians is Israel culture, but it doesn’t make it right.