I love [Oil-Gorger Troll]. ONE was one of my favorite draft environments, and I really loved the oil counter mechanic. I keep a very jank oil based edh deck around. He won me a bunch of games in draft, I love the art, and the “flavor” text (get it?) cracks me up.
What card sparks joy for you and why?
Basilica Bell-Haunt
The art, the solid mana cost and the frame colors make it an aesthetically very pleasing card, but when it was revealed I figured it would be a good draft card but not playable in Standard. But it turned out to be a fantastic stabilizing card in Esper Hero and punched way above its weight as an uncommon. GRN/RNA was also just a great era for Standard so it’s tied to good memories from that time as well.
Gravecrawler for me. Always loved zombie decks and how annoying these were to fight.
I’ll always have fond memories of [[Aurochs Herd]]. I know a lot of people don’t like Coldsnap draft, but I’ll play it anytime, and I’ll probably try to force green.
Not only do I love the art, but the ability at the time was fairly unheard of. It is way overcosted now. But still such a fun card.
I know that thats foam, but my brain says he is eating popcorn and loving it
Hurloon Wrangler
(with Denimwalk)