Because they don’t get listed by you’ll want to browse to browse “magazines”, which is what they call communities
e.g. !
or directly,
Why YSK: Federation literally just synched up thanks to the tireless efforts by over the past few days.
This is great but I am still unable to search for communities in kbin. At least I tried ! and ! a few time the last few minutes but still no result.
Any help? I’ve joined a magazine from lemmy and nothing shows up, but I have a kbin account too and know there’s posts I’m not seeing.
It’s probably just because you were the first user to subscribe to it at
According to your server’s nodeinfo there’s only 462 users active this month.
Now that you’re subscribed, all new content will flow to your server. You just need to be patient 😊
@serfraser @youshouldknow What’s happening? Are you on an instance and want to see everyone’s comments/post on other instances? What client are you using? Are you on the website? Are you on desktop ?
I tried joining some kbin magazines from here (E.G: and ). It did work but I’m unable to see any post from those communities. Instead the one you linked ( ) works perfectly (even for newest posts/comments). Is there any fix ? EDIT: To add more troubleshooting info, It doesn’t say pending, it correctly says “joined” but still no posts.
Jerboa seems to crash when clicking links with the ! point but I can do it from the desktop browser. This is great!
This is being worked on on the Jerboa github. Sounds like it’ll be addressed or at least mostly addressed in the next release.
My home Lemmy doesn’t seem to be able to find communities on kbin, when I search for something like ! it just never resolves. :-/
Try pasting the browser url as it is in kbin, instead of using the Lemmy syntax. I know it’s goofy but it works.