Inb4 lemmy supports Iran
Supporting either side in this idiotic war over religion is stupid. That said, I don’t know what anyone expected Iran to do after Israel bombed their embassy.
You can just support international law, you don’t have to choose between Israel and Iran. Embassies are considered soverign soil of the nation they represent and so bombing an embassy is a direct attack on another country. When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 they got sanctioned by the international community. There are plenty of other examples in recent history of consequences for aggression. The only question is why is Israel exempt from consequences that apply to other countries? That’s what this false dichotomy (Israel vs. Iran/Hamas/Hezbollah etc.) is trying to mask- instead of asking why Israel is exempt from legal consequences it changes the dialogue to “if you don’t support Israel then you support terrorism” and thereby nullifies international law since the law is applied selectively.
What exactly would you suggest a country does after another country bombs their embassy? Send flowers and say pretty please don’t do it again uWu?
What was Israel’s rationale for bombing Iran’s embassy in Syria and killing 12 Iranians? Revenge for what?
Preface: I have no favorite in that conflict, I’m just answering your question. They’re all being children imo.
On the broader topic, Iran’s significant support for Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, both of which are considered major security threats by Israel, has been a central factor driving Israeli military actions. Iran supplies these groups with financial aid, weapons, and training, enhancing their capabilities against Israel.
Regarding the specific target in Syria, I assume this Israel’s attempt to prevent Iran from gaining a strategic position to launch attacks against Israel.
There have been conflicts in this region for a very long time. They are pretty much always at war.
Personally I think Iran kinda spoiled ever getting to complain about foul play involving foreign embassies, what I’m more interested in here is how far the US is gonna go in retaliation, because obviously they’re gonna do something here, I’m just wondering how much it’ll be and in what form.
Personally if I was making the call, I’d sweep the IDF out of Gaza altogether and relegate them to “defensive line duty”, or more accurately “DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE TOUCH ANYTHING YOU GENOCIDAL MORONS.”, and then kill two birds with an army of drones, Iran just invited destruction onto all of their war material production shit and Russia is probably shitting bricks that their entire reserve strategy just got exposed to causus belli.
Russia is gleefully rubbing their hands because they know the US public can literally only keep one thought in their heads at once and this grantees political apathy towards the Russian invasion.
Maybe not though. Russia needs all the drones they can get from Iran. Israel making Iran focus on them negates part of the supply support Russia requires for Ukraine.
Inb4 lemmy supports Iran
Lots of false equivalances related to this war but being against Israel bombing an embassy in another country is not the same as supporting Iran. You don’t have to choose between Israel and Iran, you have to choose between Israel and international law / human rights.
Phrasing it as “if you don’t support Israel then you support Iran (or Hamas, Hezbolla etc.)” is to disregard the importance of international law and the fact that it applies to everyone.
This Article is about Iran bombing Israel, not anything else.
Any Comment on here going “But what about Israel bombing the Embassy” is derailing the Conversation and defending Iran.
You are allowed to be against indiscriminate Attacks without supporting the bombing of Embassies.
Any Comment on here going “But what about <the direct reason for the attack>” is derailing the Conversation and defending Iran.
this has been the zionist game forever, by the way do you condemn the genocide in Gaza?
I do in fact condemn the warcrimes in Gaza.
And no: you’re using the same tactics currently you always decry the “Zionists” using. You’re seeing a article about Party A and immediately cry “but what about party B, you Antimesites Zionists”
You’re not a lick better than them, you just root for the other team.
How is retaliation for an act of war indiscriminate? Bombing an embassy isn’t like accidentally parking across two spaces. It’s a gross violation of international law.
Just remember that Israel started this.
Your honor putting aside my crimes for a moment is it really justifiable to send me to jail for no reason? Remember now, we are only talking about sending me to jail we’re not talking about all those things I did
This is a deeply flawed analogy. We are not talking about the actions of Israel but the Response of Iran being illegal: targeting civilian targets, forbidden by the rules of war.
A better analogy would be: The law says a criminal should be punished with a maximum of 5 years in prison, but the judge hands out 20 years.
What the judge did was still wrong and illegal, no matter what the criminal did.
If you want to live in a world where everyone can bomb everyone, just remember why we introduced those rules and how many nations have nukes today.
Let me just say fuck anyone who targets civilians.
Yes fuck Israel indeed.
The Biden administration expects Iran will also launch dozens of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles targeting Israeli government sites, not civilians or religious sites, a U.S. official said.
Let’s see how many of those are “good shots.” And not “accidentally schools and hospitals”
Although, the irony would palpable.
And Israel got 99% of what was launched, is it not suspicious they suck at intercepting diy dumb rockets but somehow get near perfect intercepts on higher tech guided munitions?
The Iran launches were a country away. So a lot more time to target, the diy stuff is coming from a lot closer so less time to prep. They can hit the stuff coming out of Lebanon pretty accurately too.
This is just more tankie bullshit. Russia and Iran have been getting buddy-buddy like crazy, especially right before the whole Hamas attack on Israel thing in fall last year. And of course, Iran feeds Hamas war materiel.
Russia is trying to make a war on multiple fronts to exhaust the US and make Biden unpopular while also running a campaign on social media to make Biden look bad and interfere with the 2024 election.
In other words, Russia REALLY wants Trump to win so they can end their expensive and punishing war in Ukraine and come out looking like they won something. Also, trump has made it clear that Israel would get free rein to “finish the problem.”
Yeah israel committing Genocide and bombing the Iranian consulate is actually Putins masterplan to make Trump win.
Libs reaching QAnon levels of cope. Vote for God Emperor Biden everyone! He was forced into supporting Genocide!
Your reply has nothing relevant. “You are right Biden does Genocide but somehow this is Trumps fault and that’s all Putins masterplan”.
Just accept that there is no difference between the Republicunts and Genocrats. When both are supporting literal Genocide it must require severe mental gymnastics to keep believing in that fairy tale of American democracy.
vigerously starts watching the Amazon Fallout series
I just finished the first episode. If nukes start flying before I finish the series, I will be very annoyed.
Me too! Pretty good episode. At least they had a good budget to replicate the world. It’s very promising…assuming we all survive.