Just a friendly reminder example for all those people who only ever heard of GIMP and not wanting to let go of their Adobe products because they don’t like GIMP. Krita deserves more wide spread attention.
I came here to comment on the artwork, which is beautiful. ❤️
I thought Krita was more popular than Gimp
I remember when Photoshop was just that program you used to take aa picture of a boat and a picture of a road and combine them to make a boat sailing through concrete, then you show it to mom and she goes “oh that’s meet sweetie” then you show it to grandpa and he gets all like “HOLY FUCK THATS AMAZING!!!”
Now when people make amazing artwork on one software but then somehow can’t find the equivalency or accept the different scope on others and give them bad reviews
I really like krita though and I use it with one of the cheaper huion tablets for when I want to draw dumb shit like genetalia monsters or ideas for welding projects.
Just Remember, Krita Is For Digital Painting, Not For Photo Manipulation.
I think they are just trying to set expectations. A ton of people conflate digital painting and photo manipulation so if an app can’t do both like Photoshop they think it’s trash.
yeah, people bitch and moan about how gimp doesn’t do exactly what photoshop is. Forgetting that they also rep about how day to day life is simply about getting shit done, and doing the next thing in life. Ignoring the fact that they can literally just do this with adobe.
It’s such a weird take IMO. to sit there, and say that life is about suffering, but then the second you are presented with even a modicum of suffering, you go “no i can’t, it could not possibly be done, it is simply impossible, it is merely a pipe dream” knowing that they literally hold an antithetical view point.
Humans adapt and overcome, we went from being hunter gather society, to agrarian, to industrialized and commerce based society. You’re telling me you can’t stop using photoshop?
There’s an android version too, for any non-apple tableteers.
Yes, good call. On F-Droid too :