Those fuckers look pretty clean to me, good job
That hurts
jesus christ this comm sucks. just nothing but slurs and unfunny stories.
Clearly fake. Those slots were desoldered from a board, and DIMMs placed in them for the lulz.
If you’ve ever seen an idiot actually rip surface-mounted components off a PCB, you’ll know. They tend to take pads and traces with them, and it’s not pretty.
Now, the OOP anon could have ripped those off and scraped off the remnants, but it’s unlikely they would do that for the sake of the photo if they were genuinely stupid enough to pull out the connector.
This actually doesn’t look that bad. I know it’s not good but you don’t need new ram (even if it is 4gb of ram). You only need a new motherboard which is probably an old one because you wouldn’t pair a bad CPU with a good motherboard and it has to be a bad CPU since no good CPU will run with 4gb of ram. The motherboard for this probably costs under $30.
Edit: just realized it’s 1337mhz ram so the motherboard has to be at least 5-10 years old.