Well, the racist redditors are right about one thing. They probably do teach the history of communism in Chinese schools.
Lol, can we talk about the Redditor for a second? “This is Chinese-level indoctrination shit.” Homie, do you hear yourself? Which is it exactly, are the Chinese doing the “Bad Thing” that you want people to avoid, or are we trying to teach kids about the “Bad Thing” which is some how just as bad as China teaching “Bad thing actually good thing though”?
If they don’t get their daily fix in whining about the dastardly orientals, they will explode in a fit of rage rampaging through chinatown calling everyone slurs
This history lesson brought to you by PragerU.
yeah i thought this is actually what they are doing
no lessons just watch a bunch of youtube
I haven’t read much on it but the fact that FL is even allowing Prager to create their elementary school curriculum is dystopian AF.
it is but on the plus side the students will probably completely check out from that Corporate Memphis bullshit
it’s as painful as watching HR mandated videos at work
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no better way to brainwash children let everyone know communism is bad but to tell them communism is a freedomless totalitarian ideology from the comfort of your freedomless totalitarian theocracy.