I get it, ok? Gen Z’s reputation isn’t great. Many people see us as lazy, unmotivated, and broken.
Can you seriously blame anyone who is a millenial or younger? Be honest with yourself here. If you really have to compare the war times to say that these generations had it easy, your metrics are messed up to begin with. That is a terrible bar.
Many people are heavily thinking about using services like MAID (Canada) when they get old because they know that they’ll never be able to retire, even if they work 50+ hours every week.
An entire generation is being written off, despite the fact that some of them are barely even in high school. Who was supposed to teach these kids how to act, and what to know? Who was supposed to guide them? You don’t just get life skills from a box of cheerios.
I’m heavily disappointed with a certain group of Millenials for following the exact same things that they’ve complained about for multiple years. You can’t complain about being judged as an entire generation while also complaining about another entire generation without being a hypocrite. Millions of people are usually not a single monolith, sorry to tell you. You are not an exception. No one is.
I do feel lucky in the sense that Millenials dispelled the “American dream” way before I had a chance to hope for it, although I do feel unlucky in the sense that that hope was never there to begin with. It’s felt grim since elementary school, and it’s just gotten worse. “Look at all of these bad problems that we’ll leave you to solve, well after it’s financially or environmentally feasible!” Yet, supposedly young people are dramatic for complaining about it. Hell, a lot of us can’t even legally vote yet. Do we have to follow the footsteps of France?
People actively and happily ignore science everywhere. In fact, many older adults have recently tried to LOWER education funding, yet these same people will still choose to blame the kids when they don’t magically know things.
There has been a massive uptick in mental health issues in young people. Instead of wondering “What caused that?”, many people are very eager to just dismiss it all as kids being dramatic. A handful of kids, maybe, but THIS many? You’re kidding yourself. You should keep thinking about the “why”. Why are so many kids too depressed to function at a basic level?
Let’s see here:
I’ll probably never be able to retire.
I’ll probably never be able to own a home.
People are still actively ignore environmental change, yet they whine about the price of foods going up. (Look at how the farmers are faring this year ffs)
People actively fight medical science.
People actively fight to control the lives of complete and total strangers.
I’m done pretending it’s all ok. I’m done acting complacent for random people to feel better about doing nothing for decades. I’m done dealing with it. Aside from my loved ones and my hobbies, what is there to look forwards to? I know people who have a freaking masters degree, yet they’re stuck working in fast food. University is NOT a magical “fix-all” solution. That poor dude is paying off that schooling with a minimum wage job. There are only so many high paying jobs.
We’re expected to care about everyone else’s struggle but our own. We’re expected to just deal with it in silence. All for the sake of older generation’s egos? I think the fuck not. I fuck up all the time. If you do, you should own up to it. I’ll always respect someone who owns their mistakes WAY more than someone who just pushes the blame down.
Don’t lie to us and tell us that life is better than it’s ever been. If you truly believe life is fully affordable on these wages, donate everything you have to charity and start from scratch. No degree, work experience, nothing. If it’s so easy, do it. Just do it. Please, start all over again if it’s so easy. Show us. Let’s see how long you last, especially if you’re single.
Be angry at me, idk. I am not alone in feeling like this, by a long shot. This collective anger will just keep growing. You can’t just brash people into being happy. That’s a great way to get ignored.
Again, this is aimed towards the people who say those things. Awesome people are in every generation.
I’ve never heard a millennial talk down about Gen Z in real life aside from a few cultural comments that every generation deals with. Stuff like “why are they so into anime?” The rest of what you’re talking about seems more like internet drama to me than widely held beliefs.
Millennial here. We’re the generation that paved the way by being “so into anime”. Never heard that statement about Gen Z before.
Fidget spinners were the first fad that had me going “kids these days are weird.” And I’m sure some old dude said that about my generation when Pogs were huge.
Get some help with your mental health.
You’ve become wrapped up in this generational wars which is entirely, 100% fake and media generated.
You’re commenting on a post in a community dedicated to venting frustration. What entitles you to tell someone they should get help with their mental health? OP’s feelings aren’t invalid just because you’ve generalized their thoughts into being “wrapped up in this generational wars”.
My first reaction was seeing an analogy to an article in c/Science on dementia. The breakthrough was that neurons are not killed directly from protein clumps in the brain, but their stress reaction gets turned on and stays on until they die. The analogy was, imagine bright lights are on, and you can’t turn them off. …. seems like this is the same. Yeah, the world sucks in many ways. (It’s also much better in others but we’ll ignore that for now. ) The point is internet culture and always on electronics keep sending a flood of stressful news, information, and falsehoods …… your stress reaction gets turned on and you can’t turn it off. You’re under the glare of a spotlight that you can’t turn off. There’s no peace or calm, you can’t make it stop.
How can we make it stop? Can we focus on moderating our constant exposure (wearing shades and sunblock)? Do we have to give it up? Can we redirect it somehow?
All the generational crap is just another “war of the poors”. It’s foolish to antagonize people based on their age, the real issue is the structure of our society.
Man, that sucks that you’re getting all that flak about your generation. I’ll be honest - I’m surprised to hear it; myself and every other millennial I know is so proud of gen Z. You guys are such genuinely no-nonsense people, it’s really refreshing.
I’ve got a few gen Z coworkers now, and I’m always surprised how they can nonchalantly swear in front of their supervisors, and just straight-up say when too much is being asked of them. And they do it with such confidence that nobody confronts them about it! It’s nice to see a generation that hasn’t been beaten into submission by the rhetoric that they need to grovel at the feet of anyone that society claims is their “superior.”
I don’t have a lot of hope for the future of my country, or the world at large, but I think that if anyone can find a way to bring people together and make a change, it’s you guys. I wish it wasn’t something that needed to be hoisted upon your shoulders, but I really don’t see millennials making that kind of positive change. And if y’all want to say “Fuck no, I’m not doing all that.” I’d say fair enough, and still think highly of you.
The world sucks, and every generation knows that better than the last. Don’t let people who had it easier than you tell you that you should be someone you’re not.
I’m a millennial and I don’t blame you one bit, or think any of that shit about you.
It’s the same nonsense the media said about us, and those before us.
I’ve never even met a person in real life that thinks or says the shit the media pushes, but I can imagine there’s a few out there.
I came here to say this – I admire the younger generation. My generation just wanted good jobs, and past the age of about 25, forgot all about what happened to the world or anything like that.
The “Occupy Wall Street” generation for the most part still had the option of good participation in the economy but quite a lot of them rejected the whole premise and got involved in productive protest, to the point they almost got a socialist elected president.
Gen Z as far as I can tell is a lot more fucked than whatever came before them, and is staunchly refusing to play the game of flipping burgers and renting apartments for their whole life. Not like they have much choice but good on them for reacting accordingly, and fuck the haters