The hog father riling up his hog sons creating the most beautiful chorus of squealing on that asshole’s birthday.
No idea why he’s doing it but I love the cries of betrayal from these swine
No idea why he’s doing it but I love the cries of betrayal from these swine
Denouncing hitler probably has absolutely no harm to a modern fascist movement, and only gain. Modern fascists don’t have to call what they want to build fascism, they can just be esoteric and take power, they can hide behind “we denounced hitler” to befuddle people about why they’re being called fascists, this muddies the water on fascism.
This is quite unlike communists who are forever tied to previous communist projects and must defend them or else have people assume “communism is nice on paper but its application has proven that it doesn’t work”. The fascists are unburdened by the constraints of honesty.
Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert.
Denouncing hitler probably has absolutely no harm to a modern fascist movement, and only gain.
The worst thing about this is these fucking squealing shitheads always go
"uhm akshully Mussolini was a socialist, so communists are the same as fascists "
No amount of disproving them convinces anyone that these fascists are being obtuse and lying. It’s so smug too.
Can’t wait to bust out this fresh Jones quote next time an annoying lib is trying to blame the Soviets as being “just as bad” as Nazis. “Why are you to the right of Alex Jones? Are you an inter-dimensional space alien, sir? Galactic law dictates that all space aliens must divulge their dimensional status upon request!”
He said something about it after the western food aid people got murdered. I consider Jones to be similar to Trump in that he can kinda read a room and tell when it’s time to change position. Neither really hold much of an identifiable ideology besides making money/staying in power. Even Trump kinda said something like “come on, guys… gotta wrap it up!” to some pro-Israel people a couple weeks ago.
Those fucking replies also lol at Alex Jones who knowingly had on Kanye and fucking Nick Fuentes.
Bit idea: Alex Jones pulls a reverse Kanye, starts saying openly communist shit, gets a lot of attention for like a month and then drops off the face of the earth.
it’s not hard for modern fascists to repudiate Hitler. fascism is an ideology obsessed with power and display of power, and Hitler is unambiguously a loser. also, his style of fascism is extremely antiquated in the modern day.
“Um actually im not Hitler fan, im a classical Fascist and im actually a follower of this late 19th century Italian Philosopher called Maximo Fascismo”
The weird part is that a bunch of them claim to follow Mussolini, but Mussolini is even more of a loser than Hitler and it makes no sense if you’re obsessed with “winning” and “strength”