Edit: I’m basically looking for new topics to explore to add to my YouTube feed/subscriptions 😁
Edit2: Great recommendations. Thank you everyone
I can only focus on 1 thing at a time and there’s already 20 of them at once at any time in my head.
But I can listen to music. Although it depends on what it is. But not to worry, I can just listen to a single song on loop for hours non-stop.
I like watching magicians do magic tricks while I drive, and trying to spot the technique.
I’m just kidding don’t do that
Might not be up your alley, but there’s a dude called “Just Background Noise” who does various Morrowind challenge runs. It’s neat stuff, but his name is quite accurate. Makes for some great background listening.
I always have Lofi Girl playing quietly in the background when I’m working.
Northernlion/The Library of Letourneau, he plays videogames and just kinda does a stream of consciousness thing that often has nothing to do with the game itself. It’s entertaining and he has a nice voice.