Just like the UK variant, this is an official government petition to look into the issue. Unlike the UK variant, the only signature threshold is 50 signatures - that said, more is better in this case.
Deadline: 20 May 2024
Here’s the Stop Killing Games campaign site for those unaware or not from Australia.
Ah yes, Australia, a land famous for its sensible video game related legislation
At first I thought this was about stopping “killing games”, e.g. Call of Doody.
We need this petition in EU so bad
For clarity I’d also like to add this post by Ross who mentioned petition being “hijacked” to increase the scope to all software instead of just games. He still asks to sign it if you’re Australian.
Additionally, few Aussie users replied that this broadening might actually be a good thing due to the Australia law. Can’t say anything about that myself but seems reasonable.
Signed, somewhere in the high 600s.
I’m sure like most petitions it will achieve fuck all, but I’ll play my part in the pantomime!
Yeah I truly hope petitions work but everything I’ve ever signed hasn’t done shit. I think petitions are just a way of letting us think we have a voice.