I was thinking, mbam, have you got other suggestions for Windows 10? Also, is there a good setup for when I’m running games I bought, and I don’t need active scanning of threats? (Especially for legit games that use resources intensively)
I use sandboxie-plus with some games.Most of them works without problem.You can restrict net and folder access in sandboxie settings.Sometimes fitgirl repacks can be problematic.
I can highly recommend using common sense and a vm
virtual machine for games, my pc is medium specs, dunno if I can do that. No problem with common sense, is there an answer to my question please?
Most antivirus especially the free ones are not good and are kinda malware themselves. What you can do is to not download from very sketchy sites and maybe try uploading the binary to virustotal. Maybe also check if the binary is very obfuscated
cant stress this enough. read the tos on most antiviruses, they are free for a reason.
if you are on windows, use defender, its built in and enabled by default, so no need to worry.
use virustotal to scan files you download, and run it in a vm first if you still think it might be malicious.
In recent years I’m very disappointed at antivirus software. I use a paid one, but I’m careful enough to not get into trouble, and they don’t alert for spyware/stalkerware and adware, but report and autodelete every single crack and keygen as their own category on the sole basis that they might be more risky.
At least it’s less resource intesive, I guess. Or it just knows better when not to do scans, but that shouldn’t be that difficult for defender either.
Kaspersky and Malwarebytes are the top in the market I think