“Merchan said Tuesday that he will rule on the contempt charges at a later time.”
When? Punishment should have been imposed long ago.
Hopefully he’s just biding his time and giving him enough rope to hang himself with.
So far Merchan has not seemed like a pushover in this trial and right now I trust he knows what he’s doing.
I have zero trust for “there will be consequences later.” I’ve been seeing that over and over and over for years. If the judge says this is obviously contempt and chooses not to address that now, I am no longer capable of optimism.
I need that gif of Jon Oliver with the “We got him!” banner.
Judge Merchant to the Trump defense team: “I just want to make you aware… the People have presented 10 exhibits. You have presented nothing.”
A common refrain.
and attacking Merchan’s adult daughter on social media, claiming, without evidence, that she was a “rabid Trump hater.”
She don’t need evidence. Anyone who’s not a pithed fox news / talk radio / Qanut streamer dipshit is a rabid trump hater. Because he’s a demented rapist fraud who attempted a coup barely five minutes ago. Fucker would have been handled already in any other time and place. Christ.
Trump’s lawyer responded, “Lost my whatsthatnow?”
He walked past seven rows of spectators, among them attorney George Conway, a vocal anti-Trumper now estranged from wife and former top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, as well as reporters from every major media outlet, domestic and international.
That’s such a weird fucking relationship.
What do you mean? Sharing nude pictures of your underage daughter is totally normal.